One word, lag. Omg my Fallout lags, stutters and crashes so bad :brokencomputer: beacause all i have is a laptop. Its so terrible that if i get an X-box im going to get Fallout 3 or Fallout NV (or both) for it beacause playing the game at 10 fps without a mouse staring at the ground the whole time im sure is not as fun, and im sure that if i played Fallout on x-box or ps3 i would have a much supirior experience, I.E not being afraid to piss someone off beacause my game woulld lag up the butt when i fought them even though im in power armor and could easily 1 shot them, its hard to aim at 2 fps. Also, all these mods may seem amazing, but thay can sometimes crash your game or add things you did not intend... Its also difficult to get 300 dollar graphics cards that you need to update every month to play any other game, added to the 1000 dollar computer. Baisicaly you can run, say, Battlefield 3 on a 9 year old X-box but it breaks a 9 month old computer. So, if you have an amazing computer and are only going to run Fallout NV, then yes, but if you want any other game, then you have to spend tons of money to get it up to date.
Yes the mods are very very good, but i think thay add things that just dont seem to fit in with the game, so i just play pure vanilla (at 10 fps staring with no mouse at the ground). I know im probobly going to get your avredge "get a new compuiter!!!1" replys but really, really, its not as easy as going into the store and saying "id like a new comp
