If that not works out you should consider to do a disk formatting.
btw, other games working fine ???
(So you have actually problem with skyrim only !!!)
- Put your skyrim disk out.
- Delete your skyrim main game again (skyrim folder) and all your saves.
- Switch your PS3 off, and unplug it from current (leave it that way for 1 hour)
- Switch it on again. (of course you do that...lol)
- If you have any fancy theme, choose classic instead. (Settings->Theme Settings-> Theme->original.
Ok then, its time to try the Recovery console.
Do the options 3 and 4.
3. Restore File System (Follow the instructions...)
4. Rebuild Database (Follow the instructions...)
How: http://www.semperthree.com/ps3recoverymenu.html
After restarting your PS3 (after step 4.) put your SKYRIM disc and install your game.
Try first without patch and without internet connection. (Turn your router off)
I am curious what will happen at the first sequence with the wagon.
If you have no problems (try putting all the autosaves off - from the main menu)
Play for 10 minutes and make a save manually.
Exit your game and install then the 1.9 patch. (So turn your router on).
After that load your save, and try to play...