Shouldnt you be putting everyones psn into a clean abd readable format in your first post? Makes it so much easier to find people's names.
Perferably alphabetic if you have the time

Might as well do mine to, even tho my psn is in my sig

PSN: DrRicktofen
Most oftenly played faction: Security
Most used class: Engineer
Most used bodytype: Heavy (for starting (mabey) might change later)
EDIT: P.S. anyone is welcome to add me just say you are from tge forums.
Copying, and pasting the previous list(s) would help a bit too, saves everyone re-posting their info in every new thread.
Faction: Security most likely
Classes: Operative, and Soldier
Body-Type: Light
Mic: Yes
I've always wondered why do they have a post limit on the threads here anyway?