I do my best to keep this list updated and error free, but of course even I can make mistakes and If you see any please let me know so that I can correct them a.s.a.p
If you have any suggestions or if you would like something added to the list go ahead and post your ideas.
I would like to know the following (you don't have to answer all the questions, please be specific in the way you answer. a simple Yes/No would suffice where applicable. Also note that Faction = Resistance or Security, Region is what country your from or what time zone you will be playing in, and a maximum of 2 classes can be chosen)
Mic :
Faction :
Region :
Clan :
Clan Leader :
Clan Website :
Forum users additional questions
- What Class are you going to be ? (RayAntG)
- What Region are you from ? (iFearless_Uk)
Thread Versions
1.3 Update :
Added Clan Rosters. Leader is displayed at the top below him are the names of his clan members
If a co-leader exists or the leader of the clan did not submit his name I will display a (Member) or (Co-Leader) "icon" next to the players name.
(---- marks end of clan roster and * means clan not yet created )
1.4 Update :
Added region specific info.
Thread totals
Total PSN ID's so far : 134
Players with a Mic : 42
Total clans on list : 14
Security gamers : 19
Resistance gamers : 31
Class Specific Info
Engineers : 11
Soldiers : 5
Medics : 9
Operatives : 8
|| Clan || / Website
Forum ID / PS3 PSN ID / [Resistance] or [Security] / --Class-- / Has a Mic (Yes/No) / [Region]
- || 5th Resistance || http://5thresistance.webs.com/apps/members/ [Resistance]
- sheedo / sheedo08 (Leader)
- theHydra015 / Klockwork_Ornge
- TheNewDemoman / wert1098
|| [BLSC] Bob Lee Swagger Clan || - BLSC_Cru-Jones / BLSC_Cru-Jones / (Yes) (Leader)
|| [EFR] || - Shas-O / ShasO / / (Yes) [EU]
|| *Fang Reapers* || http://breach.zephyrr.com/index.php[Resistance] - SavageFlame / SavageFlame / (No) (Leader)
|| [HoW] Hogs of War || - liddlelewis / liddlelewis / --Opperative & Soldier-- / (Yes) (Leader)
|| Task Force 69 (Leader) || http://tf69redops.webs.com/ - Willthethrill_H / Willthethrill_H / (Yes) (Leader)
|| [iHS] Team Instant Headshot || http://instantheadshot.wordpress.com/ - Fabian / KingJBlaze (Leader)
|| [TCE] The Casual Elite || - DrunkenMonkey-85 / DrunkenMonkey-85 / (Member)
|| [REAP] SoulBREAKers || [Resistance] - p3r1sh 1n oblivion / LPblade24 / --Medic-- / (Yes) (Leader)
|| Unit 13 || http://unit-13.org/ [Security] - islandjuggalo / Hallinskidi (Leader)
- Digital_MECH_3010 / OMEGA_MECH_3010 / / (Yes) [North USA]
- El3mentGamer / El3mentGamer
- Mad Hatter / Felix_Duo
- sockless / sockless
|| [Vod] victoryordeath || http://www.victoryordeath.forum-motion.com [Security] - iFearless_Uk / iFearless_Uk --Engineer-- / (Yes) [UK]
|| Why so serious? || http://www.seriousless.com/ [Resistance] - jordanman13 / jordanman13 / --Opperative & Soldier-- / (Yes) (Member)
- mining_engie / mining_engie / --Engineer & Medic-- / (Yes) (Member) [AUS]
|| Wild-Life || [Resistance] - Snooz / dteez / --Soldier & Operative-- / (Yes) [USA]
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - abrain / abrain
- Abstavz / absta101
- .::AleisterCrowley::. / bulletbullet69 / [Resistance] / (Yes)
- AlmostAutumn / AlmostAutumn
- alphapoker24 / alphapoker24 / / (Yes) [SW USA]
- AntMan18969 / AntMan18969 / [Resistance] / (Yes)
- Avatar_Of_Bliss / Avatar_Of_Bliss / [Security] --Engineer & Operative-- / (Yes) [Central USA]
- Balbo / balbo94 /
- barebackbadger81 / barebackbadger81
- Baseball Bat / I_am_Meat
- Bazz22 / Bazz27 / (Yes)
- billagroom / billagroom
- BlackEssence / BlaqueEssence / [Resistance] / (Yes)
- Black-Xero / Black-Xero
- Blizlake / Blizlake / [Resistance]
- bloodyicarus / bloodyicarus
- Brandon_M / Gutsman21
- BreatheCody / BreatheCody
- bunny-gypsy / bunny-gypsy / [Security]--Medic & Soldier-- / (No) [USA]
- Cep121 / cep121
- chambers / gamerboy1997
- Chamii4 (PS3) / Chamii4
- Cowboy004 / Cowboy212288 / (No)
- cqc-Guy / CQC-Guy / [Security] / (Yes) [N.A (EST)]
- DarkSpirit / Warhawk_ / [Resistance] --Opperative & Soldier-- / (Yes) [NLD] [EU (CET)]
- deathbyburgers / Deathbyburgers / [Resistance] / (Yes)
- DraciosV / DraciosV
- Drop_Dead / Drop__Dea-D / (Yes)
- Dr.Ricktofen / DrRicktofen / [Security] --Engineer & Opperative-- / (Yes) [CAN]
- fingerknitter / fingerknitter / [Security] --Operative-- / (Might Get One)
- FootieMark / FootieMark
- foxfire54 / foxfire54 / [Security]
- FriskyBlasian / Eat-it_4 / [Resistance] / (Yes)
- GameVoxColour / GearBoxClock
- Georgieboy / OverTheHill
- GkrewZ / xGkrewZx
- gotcha / Got2ball
- Gunlemming / XamnCaz / [Security]
- haven11 / p2kup01 / [Resistance] --Engineer-- / (Yes) [CAN]
- hazardouschurch / HAZARDOUSCHURCH
- Hot-Wire / Hot-Wire / / (Yes) [NA]
- Human_Guillotine / HUMAN-GUILLOTINE
- I am an onion / cz223
- ikeblade / Deadswift
- Jajagun / Jajagun
- Jaomet / Jaomet / [Security]--Engineer & Operative-- / (Yes) [UK]
- Jashobeam1111 / Jashobeam1111 / [Security]--Engineer-- / (Yes) [USA]
- Karnivorous / Doboup11
- J_McGregor / J_McGregor / [Security] / (Yes) [USA]
- KonkreteSmile / KonkreteSmile / [Resistance] --Engineer-- / (Yes)
- kodir91 / vaanguard1
- koreshonfire / Koreshonfire
- Krispii / Krispii / [Resistance] --Medic & Soldier / (Yes) [SW (UK) EU]
- Krugmik / krugmik / --Medic & Engineer-- / (Yes)
- KrypticDust / COV4LIFE123 / [Resistance] / (Might buy a Mic)
- LegendaryDJXVI / LegendaryDJXVI / --Soldier & Opperative-- / (Yes) [USA]
- LifeBound / LifeBound
- Linsolv / Linsolv / [Security]--Medic & Engineer-- / (Yes) [USA]
- longbow / longbow103
- lronback / lronback
- lucien798 / lucien798
- MadMike32 / suprbk33 / [Security] / (Yes)
- maelstrom! / sea2525 / [Resistance]
- marv / marv257
- master-void / vandelheim
- Matthiask75 / Matthiask75
- Maverick_111 / Maverick_111
- Memeotis / Memeotis
- mist315 / god_smaka
- Mithos / Hitman_Mithos / [Resistance] / (Yes) [Eastern USA]
- mlopez305 / mariobb13
- MrDeathSkull / MrDeathSkull / [Resistance]
- MummyCigarette / MummyCigarette / (Yes)
- neurocyde / neurocyde
- Newman1666 / Newman1666 / [Resistance] --Medic & Engineer-- / (Yes) [GER]
- NHsports123 / NHsports123 / [Security]--Operative-- / (Yes) [USA]
- NonConformist / MEGABALLZ / [Resistance] / (Yes)
- N0Sc0p3d_JFK_ / N0Sc0p3dJFK / [Resistance] --Medic-- /
- oddexarcadia / oddexarcadia
- Omega-lo / dbarett326 (drb326) / --Operative & Engineer--[East US]
- Optical_Fibre / Optical_Fibre
- orangebionic / orangebionic
- Oscarmokebravo / Oscarmokebravo
- own4g3 / KA_Fear / / [NA]
- PFC / ywra
- Player not found / DietZombie / (Plans on buying a Mic) [CAN East]
- Poster_Boy / XxPoSTeR_bOYxX / [Security] / (Yes) [CAN]
- prototype724 / prototype724
- Rabid Ron / Rabid_Ron / (Yes)
- RayAntG / noX_Ray / [Security] --Engineer-- / (Plans on buying a Mic)
- Revolver Hawk / Revolver_Hawk / [Security] / (Might buy a Mic)
- rice4life / rice4life1356 / [Resistance]--Medic & Operative-- / (No) [CAN]
- Scroom38 / Scroom38
- Scrumptious03 / Scrumptious03 / (Yes)
- Sebor13 / Sebor13
- Shas-O / Shas-O
- Skynet / Ocramol1-
- SolidRace9095 / SolidRace9095
- SonOfStyx / Demonlord969
- S0ulD3vost4t0r / S0ulD3vost4t0r / [Security]
- Super Pangolin / Super-Pangolin / [Security] / (Yes) [AUS]
- Terdcutter / terdcutter
- Tex / Steve_the_troll
- TheFlooderRambo / TheFlooderRambo / [Resistance] / (Yes)
- TheOsmosis- / TheOsmosis-
- Thief / Thief_DoD / [Resistance]
- Thom430 / Thom430 / [Security]/ (Yes)
- tompotze12 / tompotze12
- Teddy6789 / Teddy6789 / [Resistance] / (Yes)
- Toxiic14 / Toxiic14
- trip245 / elflako25 / [Resistance] --Medic-- / (Plans on buying a Mic) [USA]
- Uchuu / Uchuu / [Security] --Medic-- / (Might buy a Mic) [FRA]
- unknown224 / unknown224
- Undrtheoath / Undrtheoath / [Resistance] / (Yes)
- Vault / D_Ed_Poole
- vikingdragons / vikingdragons
- Volundarkvioa / Volundarkvioa
- WARLOCK / alien_guy
- willisdee / willisdee / / (Yes) [USA]
- xQuickyx / xQuickyx
- ZAKDUPUIS / kazak94
- zzD60zz / Demon6060 / [Resistance] --Opperative-- / (Yes) [West USA]
- 1inDaChamber / GIOREINES / [Security]--Operative-- / (Yes) [USA]