PS3 Multiplayer community still alive?

Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:15 pm

I'm considering buying Crysis 2, but is the multiplayer still alive (on PS3)? Do (a lot of) people still play it? Or is it hard to find/join a game?
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jennie xhx
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:27 pm

I played all night last night, full games.
Retaliation DLC has been dead for a while on Team IA, But the latest DLC is booming. And the Standard game modes i never fail to find a game.


On a side note, there are some issues with the game, only one ive met is sound disappearing mid game making it very hard, because you don't know your being shot till your screen fills with blood, then you hear the noise again, you nano-suit failing....bring on death cam. Crytek aren't fixing them either by the look of things, they gots their money, and idiots like me buy their DLC's.

But as i said BUY IT, the game is beautiful, campaign is great, s##t ending. Just start on Super Soldier setting, the rest are a joke.
Multiplayer is good, they give you 10 levels in kindergarten then dump you in with lvl 50 Pros and level 36 Joe's named covan2306.
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Sasha Brown
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:52 am

You even with faults, and I still have horrible kd I love this game. I have fear 3 and duke Nukem and haven't played cause this is just fun, even the getting owned lol

The only problems was last nite no one could load a game of crashsite which is my favorite objective, randomly running around I would hit a dead spot and instantly loose all energy. With all that I'm working toward lvl 50 to reboot and rework on my stats... My kd is my fault due to first 15/20 lvl I was just run and gun no stealth.

Buy yes, don't buy the first map pack but the second is worth it :)
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Quick Draw III
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:27 pm

Yes it's still alive, you will strugle sometimes to get a game depending on time of day and location but the game is very much alive. The people who complain that it is dead all the time are generally the ones who sit on it all day long and have nothing better to do. If your a casual gamer you'll be fine! Theres a thread on this forum as well to add other people so do that if you struggle at any point.
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:51 am

Ce jeux est en mousse je parle du multi-joueurs rempli de bug à chier alors au lieu de sortir des map sorter des corrections de tous vau bug !! Le jeux est censé donner du plaisir pas faire péter les plombs, vous avers enlever un mode de jeux qui me plaisait je suis dé?us. je veux finir les trophées mai je v avoir du mal car le multi est à chier j'avers jouer à la bêta rempli de bug , je me suis dit c’est une bêta ?a changera a ca sorti mais non le multi est toujours autan pourri bande de crevars avec vautre cryengine 3 ya pas que les graphismes dans un jeu bande de guignol
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