» Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:38 am
no it sort of defeats the object of online gamiong..... 6 years ago we had online gaming but P2P servers [which is what this is] but now we have [or developers can easily use {not saying we didnt have them ages ago}] dedicated servers, like killzone. were the game is hosted by the server, and everyone is escactly the same, its about skill who wins or w/e. with P2P servers everyones defferent like some people are ahead and some people are infront of eachother, theres more lag.
which means its not about skill but more luck, if you have the better connection [this doesn't mean your internet connection] then you have an advantage over the people with the worse connection. this all defeats the objective of competing against eachother, yes its still very fun. but that fun can all to often be ruind by this, and its not about competition or who's the best but about luck, like COD.
the ping you have with P2P server played games doen't have anything to do with ypur internet connection either, you could have the best internet connection possible and you may have a worse connection in the game than someone with a slow connection, it just determins on where you live and what part of the world is online at the time and many other factors. you may be lucky and have the better connection all the time you play. but this is not the case for other people, some unlucky may have a bad connection all the time, but for most it varies form time to time. it doesn't matter what you internet broadband connection is like, fast or slow [unless really bad].
lol i dont know where you get your info from dude, but last time i checked KZ3 was P2P. And it suffers from lag as well. and just like this game, the lag reports are mixed. Its just the way it is. People with T3 connections will always have better ping than those with DSL or even cable connections. There is always the opportunity for someone to gain an upper hand. Someone with a $5,000 50" HD plasma is going to have a much bigger advantage over someone like me, who has an old ass CRT 25" standard TV. All you can do is do the best you can with what you got. I dont think trying to alter the game to fit the handicaps of lesser players is the right course of action. The game has a lot of work to do, and an improved p2p system would be nice, but most of its improvements should take place on the actual defect level. like graphical and sound glitches, connection reliability, etc... lag i think is something these people suffer from in many games. though im sure there will be those that chime in with the ever popular "i dont lag in any other game" but you cant always take everything you hear at face value. some people are just dishonest. period.