PS3 - Network Performance [Update 02/06]

Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:20 am

- Did it take longer than 30s to find a game? Being that it's double xp weekend. I find a match almost immediately, I would say between 10-20 secs pf selecting my game type.
- Are you on wired or wireless? wired
- Have you specified your correct locale (region) in your console settings?* Yes, NA
- What was the ratio of red bar to orange bar to green bar players in the match? Aside from the host always pulling full bars the connection varies from 1-3 bars for every much with the average being around 2 bars (orange)
- Did you get into the first game without any issues? Yes
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Dawn Porter
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:55 pm

Problem when I try to play online crysis 2 sa ca chare then puts me please Be certain your connection setting.
What to do please.
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:09 am

*update* today i have been joining sessions less than 20s..but i also noticed that in a few of my games during the
match countdown.. it stops at match begins 1 second or just match begin screen..and doesn't i have to
back out of the game lobby..and find a new game session.

matches are still running smooth
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Jamie Moysey
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 12:25 am

- Did it take longer than 30s to find a game? (please try and be accurate with this)
Most of the times yes, it varies from 30 secs to 5 minutes.

- Are you on wired or wireless?

- Have you specified your correct locale (region) in your console settings?*
No, I had to put United States even though I live in Brazil, otherwise I wouldn't have acess to Demos and DLC. I do have another account where it specifies that I live in Brazil though. Maybe the matchmaking system should detect the IPs.

- What was the ratio of red bar to orange bar to green bar players in the match?
Most of the matches I am the only one with 1 orange bar, 3 or 4 players with 2 orange bars, the Host always 4 green bars and most people with 3 green bars, no one with 1 red bar.

- Did you get into the first game without any issues?
No, it freezes, matches get stuck at the "1 second left" message, takes forever to find matches, super lag, etc...
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Kelli Wolfe
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:24 am

Last two games i had were like this, And that seems like normal now PS3 :-(
Playing on Assault

Did it take longer than 30s to find a game? (please try and be accurate with this)

Always longer than 30 secs.....
1st attempt 10 minutes 2nd attempt 7 minutes
Once youre in a lobby its fine, its just getting to join a game thats the problem..

- Are you on wired or wireless?


- Have you specified your correct locale (region) in your console settings?*


- What was the ratio of red bar to orange bar to green bar players in the match?

The host was full of green, I was 3 green bars, The rest varied from 2 to 3 bars ( orange & green )

- Did you get into the first game without any issues?

Yes, It's Just the time it takes
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Marnesia Steele
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:07 pm

- Have you specified your correct locale (region) in your console settings?*
No, I had to put United States even though I live in Brazil, otherwise I wouldn't have acess to Demos and DLC. I do have another account where it specifies that I live in Brazil though. Maybe the matchmaking system should detect the IPs.
The region you specify in your PSN account effects all games. I have Australia specified in my PSN account and i was being matched up with Australian people, even though i'm currently in Germany.

Thanks for the feedback so far everyone, it's definitely useful! :)
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Yama Pi
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:48 am

For anything other that team instant action it takes 5-10 mins if im lucky...

and for team instant action the lag is so badd that emptying an entire jackel clip into someone at point black does 0, Zero, zip, none, no damage
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:36 am

- Did it take longer than 30s to find a game? (please try and be accurate with this)
Not for Team Instant Action, Instant Action, or Crash Site. However when in a party of 3 or more it tends to take 5+ minutes to find players and begin a game

- Are you on wired or wireless?
Wired. NAT Type on Crysis still showing Moderate despite PS3 IP address in routers DMZ. (Black Ops detects my NAT as open)

- Have you specified your correct locale (region) in your console settings?*
I'm not sure exactly how to set this but I believe my region is set to Pacific which would make sense since I live in California. I think we need more specific directions to adjust this setting in our PS3s.

- What was the ratio of red bar to orange bar to green bar players in the match?
Sometimes 4 or 5, other times only one person will have full green bars, and another person may have 3, but the rest have 2 yellow or 1 red.

- Did you get into the first game without any issues?
Getting into games is not as difficult when playing alone, but when in a party it becomes a nuisance. Last night I was playing with 3 other people and they would all get into a game except the party host, he would be still outside in the lobby room looking at the players names.
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Beth Belcher
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:24 pm

- Did it take longer than 30s to find a game? (please try and be accurate with this)

Yes, on several occasions - although the time increased when having a party member.

- Are you on wired or wireless?

Wireless, but I do have good reception to the router.

- Have you specified your correct locale (region) in your console settings?*

Yes, both me and my friends has identical settings with region/locale. (Assuming it's about PSN and not console menu's locale. I use English because of the auto-detect of language in several games - it just looks terrible with Swedish texting :P)

- What was the ratio of red bar to orange bar to green bar players in the match?

Out of 10, 5 orange 2 red 3 half-green (not full-green) in most matches I've participated in.

- Did you get into the first game without any issues?

From entering the MP section to the first match, eventually I do get in on a short notice - WITHOUT A PARTY MEMBER.

I really think you should make the matchmaking system more effective, like Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops. Sure they weren't perfect when launch but throughout the patches their matchmaking became very well improved and i strongly suggest you'd benefit alot from learning from those games. Me or/and my friends do on occasion get disconnected from the joining game/match whoever we're trying to join resulting usually only one of us playing in a FULL server (i.e. they can't join, server would be full when I or any of them joins).
Here's a couple of suggestions, if you haven't already implemented in the patch(es) or already working on them:

- More efficient match searches upon 2 party members or more.
- Filter/Remove in-game matches that are almost full, when having several party members (insert amount).
- II- in-game matches that passed 50% of the time and/or points.
- Favor the party with included members into the same team, separating only when team balancing is required. Put the separated party members back together when new players join.
- More efficient IP routing from different countries and ISPs, decrease the amount of "packet jumps" between users/players. (ask Cisco for help/consultation?)
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lisa nuttall
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:36 am

"Did it take longer than 30s to find a game? (please try and be accurate with this)"

I usually takes between a minute, or two. I usually get put into a lobby by myself. I'll quit and search three, or four times before I get a match.

"Are you on wired or wireless?"


"Have you specified your correct locale (region) in your console settings?"


"What was the ratio of red bar to orange bar to green bar players in the match?"

In a full match there is usually two, or less red bars, a single four-bar for the host, three three-bar connections with the rest being two-bar yellow connections. I am usually always single, or double bar yellow. Played maybe 40 matches today and was host once.

- Did you get into the first game without any issues?

Sometimes there is no sound in my first match.
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Inol Wakhid
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:07 am

i got a long wait 2 find a session
im using a wired broadband connection
yes specified
im the only 1 wit a red bar
no issues in the games @ all
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James Wilson
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:33 pm

Playing Instant Action...

- Did it take longer than 30s to find a game? (please try and be accurate with this)
In most cases - no.

- Are you on wired or wireless?

- Have you specified your correct locale (region) in your console settings?*
Yes, I think so.

- What was the ratio of red bar to orange bar to green bar players in the match?
About 80% Green

- Did you get into the first game without any issues?

Also, just would like to add - it seems to be playing better, only had a couple of games the other day - where I felt there was a lag problems (still didn't win any though :-)
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:00 am

Hey guys i've updated the OP and added another question:

"- What colour is your ping connection?"

If you're joining a server in another country then your ping bar will actually be red to show that you are the lagger. Just an important tidbit :)
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Hannah Whitlock
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:45 am

Right the red bar should NEVER happen, which still does from time to time. Although sometimes our connection start at yellow 2 or 3 bars and during the match drop to the red bar.
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George PUluse
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:07 am

Hey guys i've updated the OP and added another question:

"- What colour is your ping connection?"

If you're joining a server in another country then your ping bar will actually be red to show that you are the lagger. Just an important tidbit :)

Half-green is just as frequent as yellow for me and I have an ISP (Telia) among a few here in Sweden who gives decently low ping abroad/overseas.

Does the MP master server use median for deciding whoever becomes the host? Or does the master server decide which one is closest (or gives best response to the master, however you want to put it) to the server?
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:22 pm

Update to post above:

My ping color is usually yellow (mostly two-bar, but sometimes one-bar). Occasionally I'll get a green connection, but very infrequently. Thanks for the efforts with the network.
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:43 am

- Did it take longer than 30s to find a game? (please try and be accurate with this)


- Are you on wired or wireless?


- Have you specified your correct locale (region) in your console settings?*


- What was the ratio of red bar to orange bar to green bar players in the match?

Varies about 50% of the time most of the lobby 3 bar green, the rest of the time most of the lobby will be 1-2 bar red and orange.

- Did you get into the first game without any issues?


What colour is your ping connection

Same as above varies from lobby to lobby one maybe 4 bar green the next 2 bar orange,
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Taylor Tifany
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:53 am

- Did it take longer than 30s to find a game? (please try and be accurate with this)

yes. like 2 days

- Are you on wired or wireless?


- Have you specified your correct locale (region) in your console settings?*

i dont know

- What was the ratio of red bar to orange bar to green bar players in the match?

Only green.

- Did you get into the first game without any issues?


What colour is your ping connection

green always,
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Emma-Jane Merrin
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:35 am

Hey everyone!

Some further network changes have been pushed out to the 360 and PS3 consoles via the live update system. As usual, in order to receive this update you need to login in to the multiplayer menu. So if you're already in MP, please quit out, start up SP and then head back in MP to apply the update.

These changes mainly affect the matchmaking system so please let us know how you find the match making / lobby usage!

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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:44 pm

Hey everyone!

Some further network changes have been pushed out to the 360 and PS3 consoles via the live update system. As usual, in order to receive this update you need to login in to the multiplayer menu. So if you're already in MP, please quit out, start up SP and then head back in MP to apply the update.

These changes mainly affect the matchmaking system so please let us know how you find the match making / lobby usage!


So far not good, here's myexperience after the changes:

1st match:

Joining a session with a party (with one friend), I'm getting in but he gets kicked out with the message "Connection to host lost", three times he tried - even with 1-2 player slots available in-game he couldn't.

2nd match:

Trying to join a session, one guy keeps joining and leaving (about 3-4 times) - after about a minute we get "Joining session" but my friend got kicked out. The session got cancelled and my friend rejoins through my invite and he joins - but now it takes 1-2 minutes, but in overall from when we got multiplayer up we actually spent 10 minutes trying to play.

While in-game after finding a session there was only a few with bad connection, 2 orange and 1 red, so far that's improvement.

3rd match:

About only 1 orange and 1 red had that ping status, rest where half-green.

4rth match:

Basically everyone got bad ping with exception for two who had half-green and the host him/herself.
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Tiffany Holmes
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:11 pm

Did it take longer than 30s to find a game? (please try and be accurate with this)

Yes . On average i'm waiting 3 mins . with 2 or more people it's almost IMPOSSIBLE .

- Are you on wired or wireless?


- Have you specified your correct locale (region) in your console settings?*


- What was the ratio of red bar to orange bar to green bar players in the match?


- Did you get into the first game without any issues?

Yes BUT if i'm in a group . It always split us up ... What's the point of a group if the first game you always get split up while in a party .......?

What colour is your ping connection

Orange.. The only time today and EVER I have seen it green is when it makes me host ...

To add .. I'm upset with the way MP works . Why ?

1. HORRIBLE match making servers.. Even today, after the update , I don't see any real change ... I played for about an 1 Hour and it's the usual . * please note that i'm in a party of 2 or more *

Kicks teamates at random ..
Horrible connections .
Lag ? I sprayed a guy in the back (he had no armor on) on and he turns around shoots me 3 times to kill me with a PISTOL ???????? We were at almost close range ... is it a hit detection thing ?
The one thing I can't stress is how bad it is when i'm in a party of 3 or more ... Somebody gets kicked , freezes , gets put into another game ?

I dont think I can be patient much longer . Good game but the issues in MP make this worth good trade in credit ....... =(
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:40 am

UPDATE : Wow, i was in a party of 3 and it threw us in a game and we .... WERE ALL ON THE SAME TEAM..

i've noticed better connections !!!!!

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Stacey Mason
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:18 am

Herb said:

Kicks teamates at random ..
Horrible connections .
Lag ? I sprayed a guy in the back (he had no armor on) on and he turns around shoots me 3 times to kill me with a PISTOL ???????? We were at almost close range ... is it a hit detection thing ?
The one thing I can't stress is how bad it is when i'm in a party of 3 or more ... Somebody gets kicked , freezes , gets put into another game ?

I concur....fix squads!!!
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:51 am

OMFG what is this CRYTEC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now i cant even play MP.I ve waited about 5 mins and still nothing.. Its even worse. AND OMG I DONT HAVE MODERATE NAT TYPE!!!!!!!!!!! In every other game i have OPEN, HERE JUST MODERATE!!!!!!!!!!!!! this matchmaking finds no people and IMPOSSIBLE finding with SQUADS.I m giving you advice to FIX this or you re gonna loose lot of people!!! Im pretty pissed. And when i get connected,it only connect me with local people,why it dont connect me with people from other countries. And dont tell me i have bad Connection(i download and upload min. 10Mb/s everytime.
Did it take longer than 30s to find a game?
I didnt even get in the game
im on WIRED
im still waiting to get in the game,im in the lobby with few people and we re still waiting.
Crytec YOU SHOULD FIX THIS QUICKLY!!!!!!!! its pretty annoying.
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Chase McAbee
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:07 am

ok finally i was in the game and its GREAT. All minor connection issues ficed,but i still have sometime problem to get in the game,but when im in the game it worths it :)
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Wayne Cole
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