My PS3 automatically downloaded the patch for New Vegas. Immediately I noted that the convicts were missing at the Jean sky dive shack, (actually behind the shack)also, the two dead bodies at the trailer were gone, and one convict, the trailer on the way to Sloan. I played further and the convicts at the cave near the NCRCF were gone as well. Once I was done with the convicts the patch left (alive?) for me to dispose of, I went on to Prim where I then rescued Beagle who as you know does not wish to be sheriff. If I get the convicted Sheriff at the NCRCF and make him the sheriff the store owner who is in the Casino does not go back to his store, the one with the dead courier near it. He loops, repeating the same phrase every time I try to buy something or sell something, "I have to get back to my store", over and over again. This abolishes any chance of buying or selling with him. If I choose the NCR the same happens. The only choice left is to make the robot sheriff and then I can buy and sell with the store owner, but he remains in the Casino. I have tried contacting gamesas about this but have received idiotic replies which I have answered and then deleted. I have been told that it is the gameplay. I have been told that it is my error. I have tried to explain that I have played this game thru several times before the patch and know how it is supposed to work. To no avail. Of course I got and remain angry. The latest reply from these people was regarding the PC platform. At this point I wonder if the people programing this game, or the patches, actually speak English and understand it? I have without end, repeated that I am using the PS3 platform and no other. My choice then was to cut off the internet from my PS3 and reformat the PS3 hard disk. Thereby removing the stupid patch. This solved my problems and now the convicts are back where they are supposed to be and when I rescue Beagle and get the convicted Sheriff at the NCRCF, the store owner will actually go back to his store, leaving the Casino. So the solution is to cut out the wireless internet thereby avoiding the stupid patch and simply using the disk. One thing to add. I was asked to play the game with a notebook (PC VERSION) the last email they sent me. And to write down all the errors, the missing people etc... in comparison to when I had played the game before the patch. I am fifty nine years old. I am retired on a disability. When I work, I expect to be paid. I have yet to meet anyone who is willing to work for me for free. Therefore; unless they planned on surprising me with a paycheck, of which they must have forgotten to mention I would receive should I do this work for them, I do not plan on playing the game with a notebook and then informing them bit by bit, what is missing from the game as played before the patch. Also, I would like to repeat again and again, I only have the PS3 platform and the Fallout New Vegas disk for the PS3 PLATFORM. I do like the game as it was originally. I admit that I would like some improvements but do not wish to lose any of the 'convicts' or the store in Prim to get them. Those improvements would be to be able to use a Midnight Scope on any rifle, like one can do with real life rifles. I would like at the end of the game, after playing it on the hardest level to release the special plasma rifle, and then to the end, that afterwards I have the option of fixing the Chinese Stealth armor. That would make the game play more fun. I would like to have the pistol scopes behave the same way, to be useable on any pistol. The .22 would be nice to be able to use a scope. Currently the level stops to soon for my pleasure, as I would have liked to have more options and to increase his specialties. Again, after the hardest game to release the plasma rifle, so as not to ruin it for those who like to play games tediously hard always. In fact it would be nice to be able to have the ability for me, to decide just how tediously hard or easy I wish the game to be, how many levels I would like to have, whether I wish to play the game unending, so that I can leave after killing the Ceasar General... I would also like to carry more things once I have completed the game. I like this style of game. I tried Brink and was unimpressed. The person at the gameshop where my son returned it and traded it for something he wanted; said that the price had dropped on Brink several times. Maybe this is an indication that the programmers at gamesas simply do not have their fingers on the pulse of the buying public? Brink svcked. If it allowed much of the same as in Fallout, it would be nice. Personally if I am playing a first person role playing shooter, I would like to have more of a say on what weapons and armor my character has... Other games, Bulletstorrm, Borderlands, Sniper were disappointments as well but were not created by gamesas. I would love to have a SNIPER game where I can guide my character, a first person shooter, through whatever I wish and disreagard the planned gameplay by the programmers. Choice. That is the optimum word for me. I like choices. I like to be able to get away from the Guided Game format and follow my own lead. Fallout and New Vegas allowed that, but with the loss of the convicts there just aren't that many targets to shoot at. Stealth is inadequate. One must have Lockpick and Science skills of at least 80%, so that uses up points. The skill books are scattered far and wide. I don't like stealing, and would like to avoid that. But one must steal the Chinese stealth books, one in Goodsprings the other at the NCR farm. I just don't like that. But if I want to work within the lean requirements of what these programmers have left me and upgrade other skills, there is no choice. I am being forced to steal. I'm ok with killing enemies who are looking to kill me. So there you are. I have sounded off here. For you Bethesda Works programmers, if you wish for me to do your job and play this game with the new patch and writing down in a notebook all the discrepancies; you will have to offer me some cash money. Though I may be willing to trade, limited trade; in that if you make the changes I have requested, and thereby make the game fun for me. I will do as I had been asked, but I only have the PS3 Platform, unless you wish to send me the PC disk free of charge and have me follow that one first??? Oh well, maybe cash would be easier...??? Dave