I originally bought this game in December 2008. Back then I was living at home and shared a PS3 with my brothers. Over several months of playing this game, I got very far in it. Eventually I got to the point where I capped out at level 20 just as I heard that the DLC was finally going to be released on the PS3.
It was around this time that I got my first apartment and as I was moving out, I decided that I would wait to purchase the DLC until I got my own PS3 as I wasn't going to have easy access to the system I had currently been using.
So, here we are. I've finally been able to purchase my own PS3, and I used a USB drive to transfer my old save file data to my new PS3. I went and I downloaded all the DLC onto my new PS3, and fired up my game so that I could continue with it.
. . .
As I'm sure anyone here can already guess, I'm not able to save my game any longer on my new PS3. Apperantly, this design choice was made so that people couldn't obtain trophies "illegally". Quite honestly, I find this beyond infuriating that Bethesda would choose to impede the funcionality of the game to prevent abuse of a superfluous trophy system that has no impact on the game itself.
I'm infuriated that I can no longer play the game I've sunk upwards of 60 hours into.
I'm infuriated that I just dropped $50 on DLC that I can't utilize with the character I spent 60 hours playing.
I'm infuriated that I have to start completely over just because Bethesda is worried that I'm going to cheat to gain trophies that I already earned because I'm using my own gosh darned save file that I've been playing for 60 hours now.
So, yeah, I'm stuck wondering what I'm supposed to do. I suppose I could always drive back to my parent's house and borrow my brothers' PS3 to continue my game and just see the ending. At the same time, I'm wondering if there's any way to transfer the DLC I purchased to the other PS3 so that I can actually use it. And if all else fails, i'm curious if there's any way to get refunded the money I most likely think I wasted. And if it is, indeed, impossible to get a refund on a purchase I cannot use, what are the steps to lodging a formal complaint against this absurd save restriction?
Thank you.