» Sun Apr 03, 2011 3:02 pm
I'm not frustrated by the fact the the outage occured. I'm frustrated by it's continuation, week after week, with no indication of when it may be back up. Will it be up next week? Next month? In October? In May 2012? Drop a hint, Sony.
I told a friend that Brink had the worst A.I. I'd experienced this generation. I like Brink, but the A.I. is fumbling, sloppy, and worthless. In single player, I feel like it might as well be only me on my team, since I'm the only one who seems to attempt objectives or even kills. When I attempt an objective which takes a while, like hacking, my team will sometimes lose since my team, even if they're all beside me, will fail to defend me. If one of my A.I. comrades attempts an objective, we will very likely win since the attacking bots fall like dominoes to any decent human player.