i know there are already topics going on about this and workarounds have also been found but my problem is little bit more than that............i have oblivion 5th anniversary edition which already includes shivering isles..........i started shivering isles before getting vampire disease....i played halfway through shivering isles....then i went back to cyrodil and did some quests there and became a vampire...now im getting the bloodgrass error on vampire cure quest but if i change the language i could complete the quest.....but the major problem is after changing language all my shivering isles quest dissappear and the quest "A door in Niben Bay' appears....more importanty when i go back to shivering isles i cant complete the main quest 'a better mousetrap' coz the crystals are already placed there..duh...wat a bummer...now i dont know what to do....some side quest are also having little glitches like now ill have to kill the gatekeeper alone coz the guy with the bone arrow has already helped me.... plz..help.... i have 2 saves
1. where i have changed the language and completed the vampire cure quest but the whole shivering isles has bugged
2.where i havent changed the language but im still a vampire and cant get the cure....
is there any way i could cure vampire without bugging shivering isles....or is there a way to retrieve old save files of oblivion from ps3 hard disk to the point where i havent got the disease............. desperately waiting for reply................