PS3 version of Crysis 2 'runs the same as 360', says Crytek

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:40 am

i could give 2 **** less if it looks like the 360 version. that version looks really good. probably one of the most realistic games and best looking games on consoles thus far. so im not gonna say whats better than what. as long as the ps3 looks sharp and most importantly plays awesome, thats all i care about.

Well said and I'm sure it will be awesome! Crytek are not like other developers I have full faith in what they say!
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renee Duhamel
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:33 pm

Well.... The "Ultimate PS3 Exclusive Holy Crap OMG" graphics are Killzone 3, which I played the demo of.
It wasn't as good as Crysis 2 on 360. It had nowhere near the colour, draw-distance, physics, interactivity, etc.

So.... Crysis 2 beats the OMG-best-graphics-on-PS3 with both the 360 and PS3.
Maybe both consoles really are the same power for a game like Crysis 2.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:41 am

As always Game play talks BS walks. TRUST NO ONE! But I mean having a PS3 on par with 360 is not a big claim since the PS3 is a better console.

Thats your opinion, I'm sure there are plenty that disagree. I own both and love the 360 community aspect and love the the whole media hub feel about the PS3.

I Just cannot wait for this game, How long till it goes Gold?

Your right I'm sure there are plenty of people who would rather have BS over Gameplay any day. Well if there was any doubt about that:

Masterclass in BS the never released 3DO M2: From.. 1995! They had phong tessellation in 1995 who knew.

As for PS3 being equal to 360 maybe it is maybe thats just me falling for Sonys own BS. But for most people the gameplay in PS3 exclusives shows PS3 has a slight technical edge.
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