Not entirely true, but definately helps stop the console flame wars

Yeah the only problem is the Well it can't be using the full potential of the ps3 comments that no doubt will follow, this may not end well!
Ah yes the mythical beast know as the cell processor, often dubbed the "cell"
Its no myth the PS3 is more powerful than the 360, youd half expect it, if it came out a year after.
But what i dont get is why PS3 fanboys seem to think that multiplatform developers should take more time in developing their version of the game (which they already do as the PS3 is more complicated than the xbox) just so its optimised for their console.
Basically when PS3 fanboys cry to developers they dont seem to understand that they are developing it for two other platforms aswell and have this selfish superiority view that their platform should come first when more often than not it sells the least.