Bear in mind I have hard saved my Nord twice. One save is where I have a random dragon attack within Solitude which was awesome and massively unexpected, I'm level 28. Another was where I currently was which is in a certain huge dwemer ruin.
I went to main menu and selected New Game. Played a little then decided I wanted to continue with my other character only to find that the game made a hardsave on top of my most recent hard save. What the hell is up with that? This game really needs a way of saving per character. I'm torn now whether to carry on from that old save which is many hours behind where I was or to continue with my new character. Really svcks bad and honestly I'm a bit pissed, not had this problem with other Bethesda games.
I'll eventually want atleast three characters for each archetype, mage, thief and warrior. Does anyone know how to keep saves safe? Also has this happened to anyone else or did it just bug out?