Hey guy's I've been playing Skyrim for awhile now and I know how to use the favorite system however, I'm having a hard time putting 2 weapons of the same kind with the same enchantment in the favorite. I'll press L1 or R1 and the other weapon disappears from favorite? This seems to only happen with items that have the same name. I've been trying to equip my dual Daedric sword and dual Daedric Dagger and it won't work at all no matter what I try. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read this post
I've had the same problem. I can't use the favourites menu to dual wield anything that stacks, I have to do it from the inventory. Hopefully the patch will sort it, unless I'm doing something wrong.
I've had the same problem. I can't use the favourites menu to dual wield anything that stacks, I have to do it from the inventory. Hopefully the patch will sort it, unless I'm doing something wrong.
Hopefully they do fix it in the next patch. It gets annoying have to use quick menu