» Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:50 am
It depends.
360 is more often the (VERY slightly) more stable platform for online. But that isn't always the case, and while your budget may say otherwise, it's not worth the ongoing charges involved for me.
The PS3 is a theoretically more powerful system (nothing's really pushing those limits the way it should though), but the difficulty in coding for the Cell processor mostly negates this on multiplatform titles.
I voted PS3 because I'm on it, and more players for me is always a good thing.
The 360 has a larger base of FPS fans, but the majority of FPS players on both consoles are self-absorbed whiny little brats, and the size of the sensible minority is actually proportionately larger on the PS3 (so you have a better ration of useful teammates vs. idiots on PS3).
Disclaimer: This is the opinion of someone with a MASSIVE amount of experience on PS3, and a decent, but still lesser, amount of experience on XBox 360. Bias is possible due to preference of the PS3, but not intended. Both systems are better for different people, I happen to fit the "PS3 suits me" bracket