I have been a PC gamer for a good long time now, and I had a PS2 way back when but never owned an Xbox though I started out with Nintendo consoles when I was a kiddie. Console Wars is something I have seen on the internet for a long time, and obviously you have too. I usually just sit back and watch the bickering until something is brought up that actually may affect me. But there is something worse than that IMO: Console Wars within a community.
Since joining these forums, I have seen the diverse posts from civil to flame bait between PC, Xbox, and PS owners. Once I started to notice how much Bethesda seems to prefer (keyword: prefer, not favor) Xbox when showing demos and revealing stuff, I thought it was odd but I didn't mind much since I was PC.
Once the next-gen became the current gen, I decided to jump to console instead of upgrading since I don't really use much mods anyway. I went with PS4 since I am familiar with Sony and PS, and not with Microsoft and Xbox (Even though some things MS have done in the past I don't agree with...).
Long story short, I deep down wondered if I should of gotten a Xbox One but I didn't want to be that guy so I shrugged it off and enjoyed it. Once E3 2015 hit, it was interesting to see Xbox One and Bethesda team up again but even for a greater cause: Backwards compatibility and mods for Fallout 4.
I was confused at first, even posting in CD that I may trade my PS4 for a Xbox One or just buying one...but then I went to my senses and thought "I don't use many mods, just patches..." "Whatever titles Bethesda approves to be available for backwards compatibility I already have on PC anyway..." "B-b-but I kind of feel left out by Bethesda a bit...". Which I did feel a tad left out even though I felt this was as a PC gamer when Skyrim had the timed DLC with MS.
So going around the Fallout 4 boards, I notice some felt the same way, if not, similar. A few flame baits here and there from both sides while some were civil about it. I was a mix of both but one thing struck me after reading a comment over on Reddit: Just have fun and support each other!
And I am not meaning just in general, also for all of us here at the Bethesda forums! I redact the bitter things I said earlier in other threads but despite being on PC, PS4 or Xbox One or who gets pampered and who gets the short end of the stick, we are one united community of gamers and should just have fun!
As a PC and PS4 gamer, I congratulate Bethesda and the Xbox One owners here for the backwards compatibility, mods, and the different exclusives you get and may get in the future. That aside, lets all look forward to Fallout 4 and have some fun here! If something like today happens again where it is in Xbox One's favor, just say gg! And if something happens in PC or PS4 favor over Xbox One, then we are even! Jk, but still, whatever news brings that separates or brings closer the 3 different platforms, we need to remember we are in it for the same thing: Fallout 4!
So lets all just get it out of our systems and embrace Fallout 4 and Bethesda as one, diverse community!
gg PC
gg PS4
gg Xbox One
gg Bethesda
Also, for curiosity sake, I added a poll for which platform(s) you will get Fallout 4 on