I've stumbled upon this post yesterday and, although I'm not able to test it right now, it looks promising.
I haven't seen anyone talk about it here yet, and I think this is very important news, with http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46465/? possibly causing CTDs on its own (the artifacting and crashing in menus issue, usually with SkyUI but not because of it).
Oh, and Safety Load has the sources uploaded now if someone experienced wants to dig around and try fixing the issues. From what I understand, Safety Load fixes the ILS bug by skipping a memory freeing method that can cause issues, and this one simply makes the engine allocate a larger memory block, so they shouldn't be mutually exclusive.
Also, why isn't nobody talking (outside the SKSE thread I guess) about SKSE being able to write minidumps when the game crashes? This can help a lot with determining the cause of a CTD.