Hmmm, so someone has the technical intelligence, the general 'l33tness' and the good old know-how and ability how to hack a massive system. Does that person
1-hack into a far away bank somewhere and transfer large funds of money to their own accounts, leading to wealth, warm beaches and hot bi*ches?
2-Attack the online portion of a gaming console's social network so a couple of thousand disgruntled gamers sit on their sofas shout angrily for a while untill they go do something else?
You're assuming the two problems are equal - they're not even comparable. Taking something down can be as straightforward as hammering it until it falls over, and as has been shown with various other attacks there are thousands of people on the internet willing to voluntarily add themselves to a botnet in order to DoS things they believe are doing wrong. That's just strength in numbers, no great know-how required there. You're not going to be able to tamper with anything, much less get away with major bank fraud, by sending a few million requests to a server.