PSN still down.

Post » Sat Jan 22, 2011 9:03 pm

snipity snip

They found a flaw in Sony and they decided to hack ti cause their dbags claiming they want internet rights, if they had a found a reason or way to "hack" MS, they would have done just that claiming the same thing. Whcih is exactly what I was saying.
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Brooks Hardison
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Post » Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:50 pm

They found a flaw in Sony and they decided to hack ti cause their dbags claiming they want internet rights, if they had a found a reason or way to "hack" MS, they would have done just that claiming the same thing. Whcih is exactly what I was saying.

There is no "They". You are missing a crucial point. It is not one group.
There *are* people trying to compromise XBL. There are people trying to compromise every major network that has ever, and will ever, have existed. "They" do not exist in any meaningful sense. If this particular group of "They" had not have done it, another "They" would have the day later, or a week after that, or whenever. There are so many people with so many different reasons for doing so many different things, that when it gets down to it, they're irrelevant. Systems are compromised not because of those who compromised them, but because they had vulnerabilities.
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Post » Sun Jan 23, 2011 6:42 am

There is no "They". You are missing a crucial point. It is not one group.
There *are* people trying to compromise XBL. There are people trying to compromise every major network that has ever, and will ever, have existed. "They" do not exist in any meaningful sense. If this particular group of "They" had not have done it, another "They" would have the day later, or a week after that, or whenever. There are so many people with so many different reasons for doing so many different things, that when it gets down to it, they're irrelevant. Systems are compromised not because of those who compromised them, but because they had vulnerabilities.

But who makes the decision to hack, certainly not the faulty security system or Sony.
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Emily Martell
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Post » Sun Jan 23, 2011 9:43 am

Another Question: The email address I used for the PSN isn't even in use, by me, anymore. I don't even remember the password for it, yet I've never been able to change email addresses (How do I do it?), so I've been stuck with it. What, exactly, are they (Sony) sending to email addresses of PSN users and am I missing anything important by not being able to access that email address?
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Post » Sun Jan 23, 2011 5:17 am

I think you need to acess you account to be able to change your mail :shrug:

As for the mails I haven't received any but according to most people it's just Sony saying what we already know.
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Jeff Turner
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Post » Sat Jan 22, 2011 11:07 pm

But who makes the decision to hack, certainly not the faulty security system or Sony.

It doesn't matter. It's literally completely irrelevant, in this case. The specific person it was does not matter, because if they had not done it, somebody else would have taken their place immediately after. This was an opportunistic attack, not a targeted one.

Nobody who gives a damn about security would entertain the "Well, the system didn't hack itself" argument for more than a fraction of a second. It's pointless, the only thing here to blame is the system itself. Other than that, you're blaming people for being people.
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A Lo RIkIton'ton
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Post » Sun Jan 23, 2011 5:17 am

It doesn't matter. It's literally completely irrelevant, in this case. The specific person it was does not matter, because if they had not done it, somebody else would have taken their place immediately after. This was an opportunistic attack, not a targeted one.

Nobody who gives a damn about security would entertain the "Well, the system didn't hack itself" argument for more than a fraction of a second. It's pointless, the only thing here to blame is the system itself. Other than that, you're blaming people for being people.

So shouldn't somebody who breaks the law suffer a conseqence for their choices or do we all hate Sony for being a greedy company that rips off it's users.
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oliver klosoff
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Post » Sat Jan 22, 2011 8:12 pm

It doesn't matter. It's literally completely irrelevant, in this case. The specific person it was does not matter, because if they had not done it, somebody else would have taken their place immediately after. This was an opportunistic attack, not a targeted one.

Nobody who gives a damn about security would entertain the "Well, the system didn't hack itself" argument for more than a fraction of a second. It's pointless, the only thing here to blame is the system itself. Other than that, you're blaming people for being people.

Well then what is your gosh darn point?
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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Sun Jan 23, 2011 2:34 am

So shouldn't somebody who breaks the law suffer a conseqence for their choices or do we all hate Sony for being a greedy company that rips off it's users.

Sure, what they've done is illegal, but that doesn't mean the blame stops with them. If there wasn't a security vulnerability to attack, nothing would have happened.

Well then what is your gosh darn point?

My point is that you should stop treating hacking like a hollywood movie, stop projecting a console war mentality onto people above 15, and stop arguing about things you really shouldn't be talking about at all.
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tiffany Royal
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Post » Sat Jan 22, 2011 8:48 pm

My point is that you should stop treating hacking like a hollywood movie, stop projecting a console war mentality onto sane people, and stop arguing about things you really shouldn't be talking about at all.

Im not, Im not, and what gives you the right to tell me to stop talking about it, this is after all the point of the thread, to talk about what has happened to PSN.
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Hannah Barnard
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Post » Sun Jan 23, 2011 9:37 am

Im not, Im not, and what gives you the right to tell me to stop talking about it, this is after all the point of the thread, to talk about what has happened to PSN.

I can merely offer my humble advice: If you couldn't provide a single reference for anything you've said, don't say it, because it's probably wrong.
You can (And almost certainly will) choose to ignore that, but rest assured it does not make your points any more invalid.

That would be impossible.
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Bonnie Clyde
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Post » Sat Jan 22, 2011 8:45 pm

I can merely offer my humble advice: If you couldn't provide a single reference for anything you've said, don't say it, because it's probably wrong.
You can (And almost certainly will) choose to ignore that, but rest assured it does not make your points any more invalid.

That would be impossible.

What exactly would be impossible, for unfortunately I do no knwo what you were reffering to with that comment.

Anywhoo, my humble advice to you, where are your gosh darn references for anything you have said, so dont say it, cause its probably wrong. That is me using your logic and you can (And almost certainly will) choose to ignore that, but rest assured it also does not make your points any more valid.
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Conor Byrne
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Post » Sun Jan 23, 2011 5:35 am

Also your social security number is with teh government

And hospitals/doctor offices, and your bank, and your school/college/university, and whatnot. -_-
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Enie van Bied
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Post » Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:32 am

And hospitals/doctor offices, and your bank, and your school/college/university, and whatnot. -_-

Which they still need identification to get from those people. They cannot just say "hey Im that guy from Willow Road" and last I checked I did not put any identification on my PSN
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Rhiannon Jones
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Post » Sun Jan 23, 2011 3:00 am

Well to fly something over all this bickering, has anyone here had any suspicious activity with their CC if they used one? I haven't yet and I'm prone to just see what happens over the next couple of days, I'm not entirely worried about my money being used..I can get that's more or less the hassle I'd have to go through to get it fixed and to get a new card and everything. If I can get away with not doing it, I want to. So hopefully things go up from here.
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Joey Avelar
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Post » Sat Jan 22, 2011 6:41 pm

Which they still need identification to get from those people. They cannot just say "hey Im that guy from Willow Road" and last I checked I did not put any identification on my PSN

Name, address, telephone number. You'd be surprised just how far you can go with just this.
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Jesus Lopez
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Post » Sat Jan 22, 2011 9:40 pm

Name, address, telephone number. You'd be surprised just how far you can go with just this.

Fake name, they aint going no where. Plus with 75 million plus accounts how likely is it that they choose yours?
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Sun Jan 23, 2011 1:01 am

Well to fly something over all this bickering, has anyone here had any suspicious activity with their CC if they used one? I haven't yet and I'm prone to just see what happens over the next couple of days, I'm not entirely worried about my money being used..I can get that's more or less the hassle I'd have to go through to get it fixed and to get a new card and everything. If I can get away with not doing it, I want to. So hopefully things go up from here.

I've not. Then again, I don't own a credit card; I've only used my debit card. That said, I'm going to watch it. If anything even slightly funny happens, I'll just call and get it replaced. No biggie.

That's not to say I'm not still a bit worried about all of this other information being 'out there' now.
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Imy Davies
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Post » Sun Jan 23, 2011 2:06 am

Fake name, they aint going no where. Plus with 75 million plus accounts how likely is it that they choose yours?

As likely as winning the lottery.

Which happens.
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trisha punch
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Post » Sun Jan 23, 2011 6:41 am

I've not. Then again, I don't own a credit card; I've only used my debit card. That said, I'm going to watch it. If anything even slightly funny happens, I'll just call and get it replaced. No biggie.

That's not to say I'm not still a bit worried about all of this other information being 'out there' now.

Well even with debit they could take out all your money or spend it all online.

EDIT: @Tiechie, lol, yes that is true.

Also love your signature, especially the part about PSN
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Amy Siebenhaar
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Post » Sat Jan 22, 2011 7:29 pm

What exactly would be impossible, for unfortunately I do no knwo what you were reffering to with that comment.

Anywhoo, my humble advice to you, where are your gosh darn references for anything you have said, so dont say it, cause its probably wrong. That is me using your logic and you can (And almost certainly will) choose to ignore that, but rest assured it also does not make your points any more valid.

You appear to have twisted my words. Generally that's a metaphor, in your case it appears to be literal - it's no longer even grammatically correct.

Unfortunately, in order to disagree with my point, you're telling me that not only is there only one group of people who can "hack", they also focus on something as trivial as console online systems. This is quite clearly not true, and does not require external references - but okay, I'll humour you. I'll literally google "hacker groups", and if there is more than one, then my point is logically sound, and yours collapses. - as all wikipedia pages require external references as well as some notability, that should do for proving more than one group exists. Logically, as "hacking", or unauthorised access of a computer system, is not exactly a legal activity, being listed on wikipedia is not high on their list of priorities, nor is having external resources to reference in such an article, so don't let the small number confuse you.

Clearly, if there are multiple groups, they must have different aims, otherwise they'd all be the same group. See where I'm going with this? Whether it's for fame, fortune, or just to watch the world burn, there are people out for everything. Are you telling me that nobody would focus on microsoft, one of the largest software companies in history? Nobody? Even though anybody who could successfully break into their networks would go down in history (That's fame), could get more details than you could through PSN (That's fortune), and could have a good laugh watching a very large network crash down (That's watching the world burn).

There's a hell of a lot more incentive to go after MS than there is Sony. This was not a random attack, this was opportunistic. The fault lies with Sony having an insecure network, and this is not something that "Could have happened to anyone".
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:33 am

Name, address, telephone number. You'd be surprised just how far you can go with just this.

Well I don't have phone number (why would you put this in your PSN account :blink:) and the rest is fake. Unfortunately they do have my mail, but once this is all over I'll change all passwords so hopefully it will add a bit security (even if psychological :P ).
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Cash n Class
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Post » Sun Jan 23, 2011 6:57 am

I almost set up a PSN account about 2 weeks ago. Kinda glad I didn't now.
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Post » Sat Jan 22, 2011 11:25 pm

Fake name, they aint going no where. Plus with 75 million plus accounts how likely is it that they choose yours?

You have no idea how online credit card verification works do you? You provide a fake name and they'll call you out on it.
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Laura Richards
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Post » Sat Jan 22, 2011 11:01 pm


Grammar, bud has nothing to with anything, also it was correct grammatically, for all that I could tell, I believe you were trying to insult my spelling.

I understand that there is multiple hacker groups, but Anon si teh one that if I am correct and as I ahve heard have claimed responsibility for the attack. Also small numbers dont confuse me neither do big numbers, so please stop trying to insult my intelligence. And also you claim multiple groups, multiple agendas, well one group did thsi so that is one main agenda.

Also still no proof that this was oppurtunistic, for all you know they have been planning thsi for months, likewise they could have planned for months to attack MS.

So thanks for humoring me, bud.

EDIT: Who are gonna call me out on it, the money makes it through, so no need for them to call anyone out on it.
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