Unless you have some inside information on how MS secure their account information, I'm pretty sure that "pretty sure" is just speculation. Hacking doesn't work like that. An anology, if I may:a burglar that can break into a house with an unlocked door and a giant sign saying "ROB ME" probably won't be able to break into an alarmed house with a locked door quite as easily. I am not defending MS here, I'm putting down Sony for their incompetence that has put my (and many others) personal information at risk.
And you are making an assumption that MS is leagues ahead of Sony, if Sony used a system like this one, ti si pretty safe to assume MS would also approve a similar system.
So what does this mean exactly for PS3 owners. (please enlighten those of us who don't own a PS3)Are you still able to access and play your DLC content? Does it prevent you from installing or playing new games?
You can play every game, DLC, watch movies everythign normal, you just can access the PSN.
This si equivalent to Xbox Live, So basically if you are an Xbox owner, imagine nto being able to use Xbox Live. You cannot compare stats, enter the marketplace, download, have party chat, use your avatars etc...