» Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:14 pm
The Wall Street Journal had an article about how this incident might hamper Sony's master plan of creating a network. It wasn't a terribly interesting read until I came across the motivation for this whole user network (download/stream music, games, tv; make purchases via PSN): to escape price competition. And I thought: you know what, that's actually kind of scary. Retail and online typically have price competition for a lot of stuff. But if PSN is the sole provider, it can dictate the price and the consumer has no alternative. Food for thought, hmm?
EDIT: example. I can go get a physical copy of game X. At Amazon it is $20, at Gamestop it's $24 at Newegg it's $22, at Wallmart it's $19. But if I have to download the game, the only way to get it to my PS3 is to buy it via the PSN. And what if they keep it at or close to the release price, say $40?