Did you check the extensive list of references (includes past studies) in the article I linked in the OP?
I can make up stuff too, it's not worth anything if it can't be validated, though.
http://vsociety.net/wiki/Parapsychology has links to research institutions as well as peer reviewed journals.
Did you actually read that page yourself?
They link to four so called "Research Institutes", all of which aren't believable at all, the first one even styling itself as the basis for the Star Gate-project, which the american government itself dropped because there was nothing in it.
Every single source linked to on that site is of the kind that clearly regards paranormal phenomena as a reality to be proven, rather than as a possibility to be validated, not to mention the fact a four year old with a "HTML For Dummies" could make more believable website programming.
You could repeat the experiments and show that you don't get the same results.... oh, that's right, people HAVE repeated the experiments and have gotten similar results, which this anolysis shows.
Oh really?
Then why are you beating around the bush and not linking directly to some of these credible studies?
They've done the work and shown the evidence.
Well then, it should be easy for you to present it yourself. Where are these articles, you have yet to present a single one.
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought our standards for evidence were SCIENTIFIC studies. I didn't think we were resorting to stage magicians for our "scientific proof".
In any case, perhaps you haven't looked as critically at Randi as you should have: http://www.dailygrail.com/features/the-myth-of-james-randis-million-dollar-challenge
I seem to recall you made the exact same argument the last time your thread on hokus pokus was shot down, and it wasn't more reasonable then than it is now.
There are over 20 major awards for proof of anything paranormal. To date not a single one has been given, why is that?
Perhaps the Ganzfeld is a highly controversial experiment if you were still living in 1960, before they tightened up procedures and began automating and more thoroughly randomizing the process.
You're just repeating what you read in that one single article you read. Where is the real proof?
Furthermore, studies with systematic errors were thrown out when doing the meta anolysis. And even when throwing out those studies, there was still significance. Even when the critic decided which studies to include, HE still got significant data so....
You mean the guy who said we should consider statistical anomalies to be significant, not be skeptical by default and use inverted burden of evidence?
He's an idiot.