Well, for an idea, you could have a quest to deal with a pack of werewolves (vampires could work too) that are converting large numbers of people to make an army to take over or attack a shrine or something. I only suggested the werewolves first because I haven't seen a lot of mods that deal with them though I'm sure some exist. Or, maybe have a quest where you have to find and help cure a person that was turned into a vampire or werewolf. Though, the ordinators always struck me as the find and kill type. Though it could have been that they didn't like seeing my Khajiit thief running around in there armor.
Ive never really explored how NPC werewolves work (wait.. they are all argonians!?) but i'll look into it. Since Vampires are far more common, and more likely to be south of Vvardenfell and/or Mournhold area, ive got plans for one or two detailed quests to follow this sort of line youve mentioned.
On another note, with the whole only Dunmer bit. While it wouldn't bother me as I usually roll a Dunmer anyway, I could see a high rank non-Dunmer member of the Temple, like Master or something, that wants to further the cause by joining one of the more militant orders, even if they are non-Dunmer, being able to join the ranks of the ordinators since by that point they would seem to have proven themselves as part of the Temple. Just my two cents though.
It seems im going to have to fight tooth and nail for what i believe in ^_^ Lore = dunmer only.. Its been suggested though that i include some written piece explaining to people how they can very simply edit the mod to not be Dunmer-only. Ive included only ONE race-check function in the mod, right at the very start, so changing it around would be easy. But i really dont want to do this........................................ just so you know

How about having some quests where you respond to something like local law enforcement may where it seems like a cut and dry situation, but unfolds to be something far greater, a big plot... A false crime report that turns out to be an ambush, or maybe someone was trying to use the ordinators to be their assassination tool but having the player notice somethings not right when others don't... Then its up to the player to carry out orders as given to step up and do whats right. Another play on the ambush thing would be having them follow a commander or fellow ordinator they don't really like or isn't well liked by the others and having the choice of warning them that its an ambush and saving them making a buddy out of them etc or letting them get whacked and saving them self then claiming not to have noticed it in time or fessing up and taking the consequences. You could have the one you choose to save or let die be the only one in your way for rank advancement as part of the quest plot too for the ambush save...
Yea, this is the sort of thing i had in mind for inducted Ordinator missions. Since they realistically wouldnt have this whole list of outstanding and weird missions just waiting for you, theres got to be low-key stuff, and then low-key stuff that gets insane

As for the player-choice idea: giving players the choice of how to complete individual quests is always 10x more complex than standard quests (due to the overlapping checking and safety things to ensure quest doesnt loop, etc) however in some of the initiation trials, there are quests that you can decide how to complete. All finishing options will complete the mission, but some ways werent exactly what the High Ordinators had in mind.. Since the trials are not only testing your physical abilities, but also your demenour, personality and general allegiance to the monastic beliefs of the HO. Or something like that

I think a rival ordinator/high ordinator would be cool. Like some ordinator who tries to get in your way of advancing, and things like that. With a discrimination towards outlanders.
Always tricky to justify inter-ordinator conflict, but that idea sounds really plausible. I'll give it a think over

My Xbox character used to summon armies of Daedra and run around Vivec slaughtering Ordinators ... You could recreate my character as a high-level boss, with a huge Daedra army, just outside one of the cities or in the sewers and he could be planning an invasion.
Well, and im struggling not to spoil too much, but the mini-story within the Inquisition part of this mod deals with combatting the menace of some uber foe, commanding legions of undead (not daedra). There also may or may not be an epic battle atop the High Fane... :whistling: :chaos:
Good ideas guys! Keep em coming/get ideas from other community members/friends.