Question, what if during this process of becoming an Ordinator you become Nerevarine, but you haven't yet been recognized as such by Vivec yet? Do all of your comrades try to kill you for being a heretic and possibly corrupting the order; are you exiled? What do you have in mind for something like that? I would normally use a mod race, but if the consequences could be interesting enough for becoming an Ordinator and then becoming Nerevarine, then this would definately be something that is added to my collection.
Including the effects of Main Quest and Tribunal Main Quest on POA is something ive thought long and hard about.. The tricky thing is, half the people would have finished them in any given game, and the rest wouldnt have. So making quests/any continuous plot line rely on these things would be.. difficult. THEREFORE i sort of decided to ignore the effect of the main quest(s) on this mod. In terms of Neravarine effects, there are only a few instances where High/Ordinators will NOT recognise you as Nerevarine and try and kill you:
a. The Ordinator 'quest giver' based in the High Fane. He has Greetings0 dialogue that will evade the Nerevar effects so he wont care.
b. Any High Ordinators inside the Fortress Monastary. They essentially have "hello, welcome back" generic dialogues for you. Only variable on them is whether you have a crime bounty. So, they will only stop you if you have a bounty, but will ignore you for the purposes of Neravarine. (come to think of it, do High Ordinators even react like normal Ordinators during that Main Quest stage? Never thought about that..)
I know some of you would want to see integration of POA with the Main Quests, but it would make things so much more complex for me, and its already turning out to be a huge mod to complete (to my standard). I dont want to rush things
a Get rid of a False Prophet. If it is after you have killed Dagoth Ur you could say that anyone who has claimed to be the Nerevarine and isnt is propably a madman. And as such should be removed.
b Destroy the source of some underground newspaper which slaunders the Ordinators.
c Save a group of Ordinators or Temple people who are caught inside the ghost fence, hunted by Corprus Monsters.
d Find the [Holy Thing]
e A Ordinator has been found to be guilty of Dereliction of Duty, execute him.
f Go to the Ghostfence, talk to some guy, kill a few Corprus Monsters and take their Corprus Weepings to show Dagoth Ur that the temple is still strong.
Perhaps when you are a High Ordinator you find out about some treason which a Lieutenant of The High Ordinators was involved in. When you have gotten rid of him (if you get rid of him...) you will take his position and become slightly higher rank than the normal High Ordinators!
Just if you want to, ofcourse. That will ensure that you are not the highest rank or second in command... or third in command. Perhaps like fifth in command. Shared fifth in command.
a. Not going to involve myself with Main Quest politics

but the temple covers this mission anyway,
b. Sort of already covered in the Tribunal quests, at least with the Common Tongue missions.. but i;ll think about it,
c. Yea, good idea.
d. Yep, i dont want tooo many retrieval quests, bacause the existing Temple missions have loads of them. But ive still got a few choice and interesting quests along this line.
e. Sounds like a good component for another quest ive got planned...
As for the last paragraph, well this has already been mentioned, so i think i'll definately include this idea in somehow. Makes sense too, with the Indoril being super-traditionalists. Maybe some diabolical twist toward the end.... :whistling:
Another possibility: Doing raids inside Ghostfence to retrieve a temple artifact or rescue kidnapped Temple members.
Yep. :ninja:
Don't forget friendly conflicts with the Buoyant Armigers. If you're going to the Ghostgate, say, to kill a few corprus beasts, there could be some friendly competition to see who kills the most or something.
Im still giving this line of quest some thought.. always difficult to justify High Ordinators going back to settle old scores concerned mainly with the normal Ordinators.. but i'll underline it on my list and think some more about it.
This all sounds great. I like the way you are doing the ranks with the level requirement.
Cheers mate. I gave this side of things alot of thought. In addition to ensuring that you are a potent warrior by the time you become a High Ordinator, it also gives players the time to go out there and work on their skills and, hopefully, in doing so they will roleplay in their current ranks abit and have some fun

It also ensures that you wont have a rapid rise throught the ranks, a feature that is often quite annoying about the existing factions within the game. It is literally possible to become the Hlaalu Grandmaster in 55 minutes work. I timed it

Are all missions going to be solo? I know the majority should be, but it would be cool if there were some strike team missions, similar to the stuff you see at Ald Daedroth. Just a few really tough Daedric ruins + Sixth house bases where there's a crack team of a few Ordinators sent in. It could help "bleed" you in to the Order of War quests, before they send you out alone. Just a thought.
yes, the majority are which i agree is probably appropriate. There are no team-work missions for the normal Ordinator missions, but i certainly intend to incorporate some companion quests into the fully-inducted High Ordinator quests. Think that would be awesome.
Great feedback guys! Good to hear from you. Ive got two initiation quests left to finish, and then i'll crack on into the fully inducted High Ordinator quests. Shouldnt take more than a month or two... sigh :wacko: