Haha WOW guys :blush: Awesome. First time ive been on in a while i know. I'll try and reply to key things ppl have said recently.
Good on you psycholex for playing minecraft, but dont forget about us morrowind players

On the good side, I discovered Minecraft thanks to Psycholex.
Minecraft is quite the awesome. I discovered a great pay-to-play community but the guy running the show is a total :swear: so after getting banned for no good reason while trying to buildhttp://mythicmktg.fileburst.com/war/us/home/images/zoneoverviews/KadrinValley01.jpg, and losing my membership money, i have returned to the warm comfort of Morrowind yet again

Some people just dont suit 'community leading' positions, but when the guy runs the server, cant really argue hey.
Edit: Lol how did you guys know i got into Minecraft? haha i dont remember posting about it here! lololol (post a link) scary stalker fans
Y'know this sounds all kinds of awesome. Damn you Minecraft
Doesn't that need some kind of stone path up to the front door and steps up from the main walkway? I wouldn't want to muddy my Indoril boots when it's raining...
If you're after a hack'n'slash then why not have an early opening (or attempted opening) of an Oblivion Gate?
Anyway, this sounds all kinds of awesome :thumbsup:
Cheers man. The thing about the building in the garden does sort of annoy me a little.. but since the whole thing (cell) is one giant item, i cant really edit it easily. And i have never tried mucking around with nifscope or whatever. In the 'tweaks' stage before final release i will look at fixing aesthetic things like that. But by level 40/60 you will probably be able to jump over the grass eaily anyway haha. The Oblivion Gate idea is.. tricky. Ive got a few ideas for similar things, and will probably be alot more epic that just one Daedric Gate -> "Oh balls, a giant Daedric Fortress. [unsheathes sword] RAWR!!!1!
i don't know how to use the construction set though! Now I'll never have my uber character be able to play as an ordinator. :nope: I think that it should be up to the player to decide whether or not he should join a faction.
Lalalalalalalalalalala i cant hear you.. oh fine. Yes: I know lots of people are going to want this. I will probably release a patch with it that allows non-Dunmer to get in.. but honestly im not really happy about it. I guess i'll just put my pride to the side and give you what you want. The case that Kafke makes does.. sort.. of.. make.. sense. So maybe i could work something into it. Or i could install a "key" to the dialogue so that if you are a non-dumner, but have like something random like a 6th House Bellhammer on you it will ignore it and go ahead. Meh [brainstorms some more]
Edit: and you wont need to use the cs to get an uber character or anything like that.. (not that you can anyway..) This is not something i want people to complete over night. This is a career! This is long term modding hopefully at its finest. Something that will give your character more purpose than he/she/it has ever had. Sounds like im blowing my own horn, but yea: this is guna be intense. Also: once you get into the High Ordinators as an Initiate, the Order will basically PAY your way to level 60. In my experience, level 40 is already a deadly character, so getting helped along alot to level 60 isnt really 'cheap'. Level 40 = able to kill 95% of everything easily. Level 60 = able to kill 99% of everything easy. Keep in mind that High Ordinators are scaled up to Tribunal-grade toughness, so ive got to help people up there. And you can always choose not to take the training grants and do it the hard way. "The power is yours!" - Captain Planet
I want it to be harder than that. Call me crazy, but I don't think it breaks lore to have the PC be accepted as a non-Dunmer. The PC has been well established as being more than your average Outlander. In fact, we have it on good authority that "Hero" has a native Dunmer soul anyway. So, I think a non-Dunmer should be able to prove themself. It just shouldn't be easy...or hard...it should be something no Outlander has ever managed to do before. Like say, being named Horator(sp?)...or for something that doesn't touch the main quest, maybe being recommended to the order by someone of influence. Vivec comes to mind, or maybe in some way winning the approval of an Indoril patron (certainly not easy, and maybe requiring more quests in itself).
The reason I suggest this is simple. I really respect lore, but I also want players to have options. So I aim more for "Lore Friendly" than strictly "Lore Correct". Which amounts to feeling that the Ordinators should make an exception for the player...but that "Hero" should have to work their Outlander bum off to earn it.
So Kefke, you're suggesting make the Initiate stage tougher? I'd suggest keeping those two basic missions, since they're complete already, then, if he wants to add a tougher mission, it can be at the end, kind of like the end to the normal Ordinator quest line. The person joining the Ordinators is already a Curate in the Temple so they've somewhat proved themselves already, it won't be like a stranger coming out and applying.
Pretty much. Qualifying even as a Curate of the Temple is alot of work. So minimum entry is already not so easy. The idea about winning the approval of the Indoril really comes into effect when going for High Ordinator, cos you are going to have to prove yourself to one of their respected commanders: some Indoriil Lord. Ive taken a bit of a liberty with one or two small lore elements. Not changing anything, but more filling in the blanks with existing stuff. Dont want to give toooo much away, and its not going to be to extreme. (certainly doesnt warrant writing 2 lines about it)
As for toughness well: :celebration: its going to get tough guys. This is not the fighters guild that you can complete in a few hours. While not intended to be a total death-fest, some missions will be more symbolic and easy, but many others will be quite a challenge. The idea in my head is to make it hard getting up to and into the High Ordinators, and then when you are at that stage, you are helped about along to the very higher levels so that the fun doesnt come from struggling against impossible odds: it comes from PWN-ing impossible odds (maybe).
Difficult to predict how everyone will experience it, but there should be enough in it for everyone.
Now: You obviously are probably wondering where i am up to with the mod. Short answer is theres still alot to do. Ive got a business to run and university exams coming up in the next few weeks, but with my disowning of Minecraft and a long break coming up, i should hopefully be able to crack this out by the end of the year. Fingers crossed.
In terms of missions: ive basically finished the 7 High Ordinator Initiate Missions. Then i'll work on a "boss-grade" quest which will act as a sort of final-initiation quest where you will go up against said

bliviongate: -thing. Then im running thin on ideas for 'full' High Ordinators. Ive taken note of all the good ideas so far, so please dont repeat any to me. There seems to be a definate want for something to do with a conflict/competition between the High/Ordinators/Bouyant so that will get in there. Since i want to stay away from the MainQuest stuff, im sort of trying to resist anything with MAJOR 6th house stuff in it. One real good idea was some dunmer guy who finds Dagoth Ur's mask and... But this could obviously be difficult yo arrange since not everyone will have maybe done all that in their game. So: meh.
I am taken a back that people are activly lusting for this mod (and to be honest, so am i haha), so thanks for the support guys. I am quite encouraged to jump back into the cs-saddle and get cracking. Very motivating
So: ideas for 'full' HO missions and maybe even ideas for how to 'finish' the faction quests off. I know most factions have some story->resolution at the end and while i do want something like that, i also want feasible options to encourage people to CONTINUE in their role as an Ordinator (and maybe you will be a Master by then). I attempted this in Ordo Daemonica, but in all honesty it wasnt very.. fulfilling.

Edit: sorry bout the poor grammar, im quite tired and tipsy