MODDER ATTENTION STATUS: Intends to return soon to mod as of 17/4/11
Hey guys. Just setting up this topic for my Ordinator Ascension mod that im working on and nearing completion. Im just looking for some (mature) feedback on what ive done so far and any ideas you;ve got to make it better. The stuff below is butchered between what ive already put into the draft readme, and stuff ive just added.
Throughout the history of Morrowind modding, we, as gamers, have enjoyed the work of skilled and devoted modders who have put hours into developing satisfying ways to add new role-playing experiences to our beloved Vvardenfell. Many of these have focused on specific roles such as Vampires (Vampire Embrace), House Telvanni (RoHT), being a Lich (Illuminated Order), being a Druglord (Vvardenfell Druglord) and even as a Necromancer (Way of the Necromancer). As I hope you'll agree, these are some of the finest RP mods out there, but there has always been one role that has never been sufficiently addressed: Becoming an Ordinator.
Sure we have seen a few mods that allowed you to put on Indoril Armor and not get attacked, and more recently there have been other attempts at quest based faction play, but im sure the die-hards among you will not have been satisfied, as I was not. Performing one or two quests in order to join the esteemed Ordinators just doesnt feel right. It doesnt make sense. And other mods that allow your character to become a High Ordinator make even less sense. High Ordinators are some of the most potent warriors in the whole of Tamriel. Who in their right mind would let your level 12 Bosmer archer don their sacred armor and run around like an idiot?
Clearly not me.
And so some months ago i began what I hoped would be my own modding masterpiece. The mod where i would piece together my years of developing skills into something i could feel proud of. Something that not only showcased my adherence to game-lore, ability as a level designer and scripting ability, but one that also displays MY standard of a mod. I realise that I can be a bit of a harsh critic on others mods sometimes, but obviously I am more than willing to put my money where my mouth is.
In addition, as an avid fan of sci-fi stuff (specifically warhammer 40K), ive taken inspiration and added my own 'Space Marine' feel to the Ordinator faction, with especialy attention given to the Warrior-Monk structure of the High Ordinators. Their Fortress Monastery is a large, gloomy, sombre place filled with dusty relics, tomes of knowlegde, training halls, armories and spartan chambers aimed at reflecting the monastic lifestyle these incredible fighters lead.
What this mod specifically does:
1. After achieving the rank of Curate in the Temple, any DUNMER character can apply to join the ordinators (Lore = only dunmer!) . When you are this rank, just ask around Vivec for the latest rumours.
2. From there, you will begin your rise through the ranks of the esteemed Ordinators (ive also used the actual ranks and the actual Orders that make up the Ordinators. +1 for lore correct). Below is a quick outline of the ranks:
a. Initiate. == Here you must prove your basic ability to be judged worthy of joining.
Just one or two basic missions so that you can prove your not a [censored]. Due the shortage of Ordinators (cos of all the trouble around) they have sort of dropped their entry requirements a little. Well this is my justification for letting us outlanders in

b. Layman of the Order of Doctrine and Ordination. == This order is tasked with training and teaching recruits the necessary skills and lessons they will need. Earn armor.
Focus is earning your armor, doing some mundane missions (ie: high rank temple grade mission, do this, kill this, fetch this). These are simple starter missions so that you aren't thrown in the deep end too quick.
c. Defender of the Order of the Watch. == Now you are tasked with defending the temples, cities and priesthood of the Temple.
The goal of these warriors is to defend shrine and preists. A few heretic purges, preist saving and shrine reconsecration missions. The 'Defenders' are the classic Ordinators you see running around Vivec for example. They are the most numerous and serve the most basic, but important role. You may even want to stay at this rank, if your into heavy RP-ing

d. Disciple of the Order of War. == These warriors are sent out to deliver death and justice to the enemies of the Temple.
Ever been to Ald Daedroth? Well those robed Ordinators are Disciples of War. They get sent out to destroy threats and enemies. The missions for this rank centre around a general 'bad-daedra-worshipper' purge, so expect to be sent to wipe out a few daedric ruins and their leaders. Fun for all the family.
e. Agent of the Order of the Inquisition. == As an inquisitor, you are charged with seeking out heretics and traitors within, and uncovering significant threats to the Temple.
The Inquisition has always been one of my favourite ideas for this mod. They deal with major threats within and without. What i decided to focus on was dealing with a big threat from the outside. As fun as it would have been to rig up a few torture missions and heretic burnings, i didnt want to kill off too many "friendly" NPC's. So there is less heretic killing and more epic madguy killing. Theres a sub story to these missions too. Once (if) you discover the plot and bad guy/find him/kill him then this awesome achievement is good enough to bring your efforts to the attention of the High Ordinators, ever watchful for skillful warriors to assimilate.
f. High Ordinator Initiate. == initiates must prove and increase their skills to incredible levels to be deemed worthy to be inducted as a full High Ordinator.
8 missions. First seven are designed to test the 7 core tenets that define a High Ordinator. Devotion, Temperament, Vengeance, Procurement, Fraternity, Domination and Obediance. (yes, these are just my own ideas, but they gave me good titles and guidance for what the missions would be about.). The final mission will be a classic epic battle against impossible odds. And who doesnt love epic battles

g. High Ordiantor. == This is it. The long road to Level 60 is complete. Lock and load. Prepare to be thrust into hell and expected to survive.
Once youve proven youself as a High Ordinator, you are formally inducted as a full member and.........
Well, i havent gotten there yet. Soon though. Any good ideas more than welcome

Im also looking at giving the option of letting you become the Master of the Fortress Monastary (but not the Grand Master, your just an outlander after all). ideas about this would be great
Of course, this brief overview does not even hint at the number of quests required to rise throught the ranks. Some quests will be easy, but most will strain you and push you to the limits (hopefully), and who said a life as an Ordinator was going to be lay-back and relaxed. Mer up. Also, most require quite a bit of effort to complete, so dont expect a rapid rise. All in all, there should be some 40 quests. But this does not take into account other factors that I will outline shortly..
3. Installs the Fortress Monastery of the High Ordinators into the Temple Courtyard of Mournhold (only one screenshot atm) Ive put alot of effort into designing this place and I hope you'll agree that it fits in quite well with Mournhold surrounds. Eventually, when you are accepted into the High Ordinators, you will then get access to the interior, but until then you can just run around the building exterior and lobby dreaming.......
4. Installs another way for Ordinators to move between Mournhold and Vvardenfell. Eventually, if you are accepted as an initiate of the High Ordinators, then two NPC's will provide more temple-conveniant 'official' transport. More convenient then going to Ebonheart everytime... and it makes lore sense for them to have their own transporters. This is explained in more detail at the appropriate time.
Other Factors...
"High Ordinators are all Level 60!" This guiding and irrefutable fact is what has driven me to make this mod so deep. Somehow, I have to take your character and rise him/her through the ranks to become a level 60 warrior. In all honesty, I dont think Ive ever stuck with a character long enough to reach Level 60 (before this mod) so this posed an interesting challenge. What I decided to do was introduce a graduated system of advancement. You must achieve and complete numerous quests, but you will only be allowed to rise to the next rank when you have made signifiant advances in your skills. This reflects that as you rank up, the challenges you must face as an Ordinator increase, so they can only let in more powerful individuals.
The Ordinator factions basic skills are: Medium Armor (High Ordaintors = Heavy Armor), Blunt Weapon (High Ordaintors = Long Blade), Destruction, Athletics and Block. Therefore, in addition to increased Level requirements, the following list outlines the skill requirements you must fullfill to be accepted to that rank:
a. Initiate == Curate of Temple
b. Layman == Level 10; Skills (all) 35
c. Defender == Level 20; assumed your skills are progressing...
d. Disciple == Level 30; Skills (all) 50
e. Agent == Level 40; Skills (all) 55
What follows, should you make it to a High Ordinator Initiate, is a complex and steadily graduated system what will take you through approx 9 extensive Quests up to Level 60, with skills at 100. Scoff all you want, I didnt want to cut corners. This is what the real ordiantors would have had to go through, so get used to it/better at training. There are, naturally, some ingame advice from quest givers on how to increase skills. After all, its them who want to see you improve, not me ; ) and High Ordinators have access to their own Master Trainers so you'll eventually be able to take advantage of them.
Naturally, some of you will want to use your existing (high level?) characters. Of course I cant stop you, but i have to admit that in my 'new-character' play testing of this mod, I did have some insane level of satisfaction progressing through the levels, even though it isnt entierly finished yet.
I also realise that some of the 'less experienced' members of the Morrowind community may struggle with this level-up requirement so my advice to you is to LISTEN to the advice given ingame and also primarily make use of TRAINERS. They are called trainers for a reason. One of the early quests gives you a list of good trainers in Vivec, so READ it.
Or if your pathetic you could always defeat the point of the whole thing and cheat... --____--
What suggestions do you guys have? As ive said, im still finishing off the High ORdinator initiate missions, but i could do with some input for the actual full-on High Ordinator missions.