What is your temperament?
1. Introvert ?
2. Extrovert ?
3. Introvert - Extrovert ?
It's my temperament is Introvert - Extrovert
What is your temperament?
1. Introvert ?
2. Extrovert ?
3. Introvert - Extrovert ?
It's my temperament is Introvert - Extrovert
Alcoholtrovert. I rarely speak unless I'm intoxicated.
I think it's safe to say 80% of the forum will be introverted.
not sure, I have an intense dislike for most people and being around most people, but when I succeeded in isolating my self aside from the people I interact with at work I kind of started to loose my mind. So I might be slightly extroverted, and just taught to dislike people.
Introvert, don't even have to think about it; and I'm perfectly happy that way.
Introvert when around people I don't know, extrovert when around people I'm comfortable with.
yeah theres a good chance that we're mostly introverts on here, myself included. i took that myer-briggs test before and got INTJ, i think it was.
i hate people though, they're very annoying when they want to be.