PUGS through IRC

Post » Mon Dec 19, 2011 2:46 am

I think we should setup a Channel for crysis 2 in a IRC server, for all crysis 2 players. Where we could be stationed and go afk or whatever but all be connected to something like IRC. and have a bot in the channel to inform all the players what pugs are going on like 8vs8 TDM and 8vs8 CRASHSITE. An example would be any random player in the channel could join in the TDM or Crashsite pick up game: when enough players filled up the slots for the TDM or Crashsite game by typing in a "join command" in the channel, the BOT would assigned captians and the captians will pick the players they want in their team. Then the bot tells everyone in the channel what Server and TeamSpeak everyone is to meet in. will be a lot of fun and keep things moving.

I seen this for other games, like ut99 and other fun games. I think crysis 2 should have one. I know crazyfist had something like this going on with an irc channel but no one seems to be in nowadays; we need a more indebt one like the pugs in ut99.

I think we should do it.
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A Boy called Marilyn
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