i have a habit of asking for days off on game release days, skyrim is certainly no different. and since i' ask for next to no days off it won't be a problem.
since it will of course be a midnight release those of you who either can't ask for days of or don't feel it necessary can just stay up all night and go to work/school without sleep
well i work in IT so im sure my boss/ colleagues will work out why .. however being released on a friday i simply get that day off somehow and i have 3 days solid skyrimming
haha college will be out for me by that time! That means i have over 3 months off! Skyrim will probably take over the first week entirely. haha you poor folk, trying to scraqe some time off.
Hmm well for me release day IS a holiday, It takes full priority over everything. I might pass if someone important to me dies but I am not really close to anyone.
That time of the semester just screams exam. I'd like to not miss 15% of my grade, sooo I'll miss it for a while. Besides, im excited, but im waiting for reviews and more info, im not sold yet.
No. Just... No. In any case, if my jinx'iness kicks in as usual, I won't be playing until a month later anyhow. Just one of my traits. Wish I picked something else when I rolled me...