Seeing would just destroy his persona though.
It's like, in a horror flick, the monster or psychopath is scarier the less we know about them.
The moment we start to see too much about them the less scary they become.
But that's just my opinion on it.

That's actually a pretty good way for them to use him. I would liken it to the empty house that people say is haunted. Upon entering it (due to a dare from friends) and having to spend the night, you hear creaking sounds and what sounds like breathing. Having your imagination play tricks on you in far more suspenseful than learning that the creaking was just a door moving from a light breeze( a broken window letting in the wind) and the breathing was just the house "settling".
Not ever seeing him would be a lot more psychologically intense than seeing him in person...he would truly be a boogeyman. :tops:
As far as the Puppet Man is concerned...I've never heard of him before reading through this thread. I have gotten the Vault 77 jumpsuit before, and read the holotape associated with it, but I didn't have any idea what the story was behind it. Can anyone direct me to the best place to learn more about this? I collect comics, so perhaps I could get this Penny Arcade story if it is available for purchase( it sounds interesting) .