I think it would be rather awesome to purchase perk points, maybe from a trainer or something. Just make them progressively more expensive like 20k, 30k or so and increase each time you buy.
My char is LVL 53, and I really don't want to be forced to level light armor when I wear heavy just to be able to get an extra few levels for the perk points. Plus now I have copious amounts of cash sitting around doing nothing. Thoughts?
No. I can already see Youtube videos with people who have SO much money, by either honest or cheating means, they buy any perk they want anyways and woop, there goes the levelling system and such.
Can no one realize the perfection in being imperfect regarding strengths and weakness?
Thats why it should remain caped. What would be the point if you have ability to create imortal? If you dont like your current character start all over - much more fun I think.
Absolutely not!!! People are already complaining about the game being too easy, even on master. So... what would the point even be to then take those thousands of septims you don't need because you're so overpowered, and using them to make yourself even more overpowered?
You should only be able to buy perks in you skill level tho. Like if I don't have 100 smithing I shouldnt be able to but the dragon armor perk cause I'm not there yet. I see what you mean op but I like having to actually think about where I invest my perks. Sometime i have like 5 saved up because I can't decide where to put them lol