Continue to conveniently forget the fact that you are using gear that has -%cost on it. Because we all know that doesn't count since it's automatically a requirement for Destruction to cast anything. Let's also forget that it does not matter if you used Enchanting or farmed vendors to get the gear, because we all know it's impossible to find a bow from a vendor that has enchantments on it!
Oh now it doesn't count. New rule guys! No destruction gear is allowed at all, it doesn't matter how you get it now, using destruction gear at all is an exploit!
The same four people can be found in most of these threads, posting the same nonsense. None of you have played any other style to any reasonable level, because if you did, then most of what you post would be considered trolling.
You tell me which bow, which arrow, which fortify archery gear, and which archery perks. I can get them. You know before even telling me that the damage won't be so outstanding with the same restrictions and expectation you are putting on destruction. So, lets hear it.
You don't need Smithing, and you don't need Enchanting for physical damage to be much better than Destruction. Adding them in also widens the gap significantly.
Take sneak out of that equation to skipper. That's not the same skill tree. You see what I did there?