->The spell variation gets gimped due to no scaling. No more glpyhs, sprays, wallers, or cloaks past a certain level. Just spamming projectiles. These spell types were hyped to oblivion by Todd. So much for that.
->Crap master spells.
Yes mana eventually runs out. Thats part of being a mage son. When mana runs out and you aren't willing to use a potion then damage per second TENDS TO GO DOWN???
[censored] it man, lets redo that math! Lest start the fight with empty mana and judge destruction's damage based purely on combat regen.
I hope anyone reading this will realize how [censored] ridiculous this argument is. :sarcastic smiley face:
Ancient Dragons, Dragon Priests, and most everything else dies long before your mana runs dry.
You lose. Good day sir. (stop with the childish remarks)
Thats not a strawman, thats math.
You can't factor DPS without taking in the fact that the person goes out of magicka in 8 seconds. How many potions will you spam against several high level enemies in a tomb? :facepalm: :: Thus destro doing lower DPS than any other damage skill by a significant amount.
Try to take off your enchanting cheat gear, since we were discussing base Destro as you proclaimed.