DMed and played D&D for 16+ years
Was top class, raiding magician in Everquest for 6 or so years
Hey I'm even mentioned in Baldur's Gate 2 (Crom Faeyr...yes, that's literally me, "Silverblade")
And lots of other games.
So, I have fair hankering about what mages can/should do.
and you know what? "Wizards" ain't just about raw damage, that is strictly for the 1st-person-shooter-wanna-be's!

Wizards are about
control, they are about "tea-bagging" entire ROOMS full of bad guys at once, and sometimes, making them
muhaha! :flamethrower:
now, there is a genuine point about Destruction not scaling correctly since unlike the rest "Ways to damage" (weapons), as spells damage and is tied ONLY to the spell and maybe a potion effect, and there are far too few spells, too few iterations of damage expression where as here's a vasy amount of iterations for weapons, both in basic type of material and also improving it with smithing it.
I can take a bow in game that hits for 16 and make it hit for 26 with smithing, but no such things exists for spells
Enchantment is also borked because it has no +spell type damag ebut also, mana rgeen bonuse son robes crafted by players are the SAME as ones you cna put on armour, ie, mana regen is same in heavy armour as in robes
yet, NPC sold/dropped robes have much higher mana regen maximums.
And melee/ranged get perks to increase damage exactly like spells can so there's difference there, so again, advantage = weapons
Beyond that though, if you ain't using Frenzy, Paralyze, the low IQ classes use clubs, go pick a new profession!

Now, for me, what bugs me is that Mass Paralyze hits ALLIES as well making it damn near useless, sigh.