I heard from one of my gamer friends, off hand even, that gamesas was resurfacing. He mentioned this because he knew that I liked Descent and that he'd seen the name talked about on Gamespot. This caused such a nostalgic surge within me it was maddening.
So immediately broke out all my old copies of the games. Couldn't get Descent 1 going. Played Descent 2. Then started up Descent 3.
Now, the Descent series, Freespace included, was my entire scope of gaming as a child. So when I bought Freespace 2 and, on the back, was an ad for Descent 3... I about flipped. Descent 2 ended on SUCH a cliffhanger...and my need grew again.
This intro movie...I can see nothing more perfect. Rousing score pours forth as you mourn the loss of your trusty ship to the fires of a star meant for your doom...the Descent 3 title runs across the screen with that crazy sound effect from your warp core in D2...The score ramps up as if to tell you:
"Finally, you are here. This is the time, this is the time. Prepare for Descent."
10 years later, It still jerks some tears.
I pray, to EVERYTHING that may hear me, that Descent 4 happens.
(on a smaller less important note, Id also like to be involved in anyway at all with the production of said title. I happen to be a score writer/engineer/producer {have an applicable example WIP}. But hell...I'd settle for being a coffee table.)
Just thinking about a game like Descent with this decade's updated engines, physics, lighting, AI, cinematic quality graphics, and perfect audio...Further research revealing that Descent 4 was scrapped, and the engine intended for it went on to make Red Faction. DESTRUCTIBLE ENVIRONMENT WHAT.
Ive played Crysis on very high with clean FPS.
I've played every incarnation of Half-Life
I've played Call of Duty 4
I've played all the Burnouts
Just thinking...speculating about an updated Descent, Even just a remake of 1 or 2, my entire being quakes with anticipation and an emptiness associated with the above list. On contemplating further innovation? An entirely new sequel? Other games might as well not exist.
Last edited by Seamless on Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.