Image in big size by Krypton'Z<3: http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/3961/puritybigsize.png
"Purity" 3v3 Capture the Relay Opening Cup
Crysis 3 is about to be released, and once again Flawless Victory is bringing you, the Crysis community, an e-sports gaming event to celebrate the occasion. It's very close to the release, so we're keeping the prizes and the tournament small. 32 teams is the absolute maximum. The tournament will begin February the 23rd, and end the 24th. It's going to be an intense weekend for everyone involved, that they won't soon forget.
The swift start of this tournament will make it interesting to see who will be able to stay on top. People won't have had much time to memorize the maps or to prepare tactics. The rounds will be played on custom servers with custom gamerules brought to you by us. We'll provide a server for each match, and guide you to your next match and answer any serious questions in the "Purity" IRC-chatroom that we'll be bringing up shortly before the start of the event.
It's going to be a 3 versus 3 Tournament with Capture the Relay. You're allowed 1 reserve player.
When do we need to be and where?
Sign-up closes February 22nd, at 23:59 GMT +0.
Before you sign up, make sure to check that your team can make these times:
Team Captain in IRC: February 23rd, 16:00 GMT+0.
Round 1 start: February 23rd, 17:00 GMT +0
Round 2 start: February 23rd, 18:00 GMT +0
Round 3 start: February 23rd, 19:00 GMT +0
Team Captain in IRC: February 24th, 16:00 GMT+0.
Round 4 start: February 24th, 17:00 GMT +0
Round 5 Start: February 24th, 18:00 GMT +0
Check what time GMT+0 is at http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/
This is all you need to know to get your teams ready, so get to it!
The rules will be decided and announced only a few hours before the start of the tournament. We'll try to do this as early as possible, but remember this is the second day of Crysis 3, and we won't have all that much time to familiarize ourselves with what will keep it competetive and balanced. Some rules that you can already expect are, naturally, rules like no perks, no alien weapons, killstreaks or pinger, friendly fire on, everything up to banned weapons and attachments.
Sign-ups are already open and can ONLY be done on the fVic forums here
---> http://flawless-victory.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=865
Just remember, that by signing up you agree to the rules which will be set in stone shortly before the start of the tournament.
We've pitched in for a total prize sum of 300€ for the winning team, and 150€ for the second team. That's 100 and 50 per person. Keeping it small and nice since this is the first few days of the game.
There are likely going to be streams with both real-time camera, commentary and ingame streams from the Flawless Victory LAN in Finland where some of us are going to be playing and organizing.
If you want to be involved in any way ranging from donations to contributing with servers or being a tournament admin, get on the Flawless Victory TS3 server and ask for Crazyfist.
It's going to be tons of fun, the best will earn some pocket money, and there's a lot for everyone to learn. We'll be updating this thread, and even more information will be found on the forums http://www.flawless-victory.net/forums in the tournament forum.
Stay tuned!
- Flawless Victory