1. Download "MMM 37b3 Public Release 3" [ view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=4226] or [] (The main MMM plugin arhcive).
2. Download "MMM373BSA.7z" [] (the archive containing the 3.7b3 MMM.bsa archive).
3. Download "MMM_OMOD_Installer_1_7.rar"
4. Start OBMM, and click "Create"
5. In the "omod creator" window, click "Add archive" and select "MMM_37b3_Public_Release-17784.7z"
6. Do the same for the two other dowloaded archives, answering yes to any question.
Note that OBMM will be unresponsive for a long time when adding "MMM.7z".
7. Click "Create omod" and let OBMM take its time compressing the OMOD.
8. Install the MMM OMOD by double-clicking it.
9. Answer the pop-ups.
10. Installation is complete!
To make a 3.7b3 MMM OMOD which is soon finished.
Oblivion isnt running now but that wasn't a big surprise, what do I need to do to make FCOM run again? Fran and the other mods didn't need any updates right?