I am planning to do that Metallicow. I just need some time. With limited internet acces and without a personal PC it's not easy, but I plan to remake the list adding all the new categories. It will take some time, but I think it's worth it.
Thanks for your tips and suggestions.
I used to have the internet problem also. :brokencomputer: Imagine getting all of your mods on 1-2 flash drives from your buddies computer(with internet access) and transferring them to yours (with no internet access). Yeah I know It can be a pain, but this is how I did things for about a year and a half. Nowadays, just the patch cord gets dragged around the hall, which provides access to the others when I'm not using it. Sometimes I do get unplugged unexpectedly tho LOL.
Anywho, I have already modified your doc in open office to my liking and have added the new catagories, some mods and a few extra little bits of information and made all the rows even. If you would like a little help putting yours together, PM me your email here or @ the Nexus and I will send you my copy which will undoubtably speed up the process of you expanding yours.
For those always looking for a specific mod's details the list's design works great to pop up all the info right there with names, catagories, links, mirrors, or your specific My Must Have Mods List That are all hot-linked. It can then be further customized to ones liking with whatever you feel is necessary, text/ header color, row spacing, whatever. Cut/paste the mods you like from the catagories to your Must have list. You can't possibly cram all that info into a post/thread.
Oh and if anyone doesn't have it already, heres the link again.(pasted from the list)