So the Script "scrap" below is a way to trigger the H2H kill move. However on some rare occasions for various reasons (such as the two actor get too far apart from each other before the kill move locks them in) the animation will not complete. This results in the actor getting "whacked out" and they still try to fight but they look like they are having a stroke.
I do a ton of condition checks before the script is allowed to activate such as checking distance, animation state, heading angles etcetera... but every once in a while this still "Kill Move Truncation" bug occurs.
When this happens I found that I can "reset" the actor using PushActorAway if the Kill move is detected to have NOT finished (as it would normally).
However I am not in love with pushing the actor to the ground for no "apparent" reason from the player's point of view in the fight.
I will still use this if I have to, but have I really REALLY found the ONLY way to reset the actor after a kill-move animation have been interrupted?
if (attacker.PlayIdleWithTarget(pa_KillMoveH2HSlam, Target))
Step = 1
while Target.IsInKillMove() && working < 25
Working += 1
if working > 10 && Working < 25
working = 0
if target.GetAnimationVariableInt("iGetUpType") > 0
Step = 0
if step != 0
Step = 0
attacker.pushactoraway(Target, 0)
debug.messagebox("reset actor after kill move anim fails to complete.")