Wise man once said: "Thee One Who Picks Thy Play By It's Looks, Is A Old Pile Of Camel Dung."
Translated from yee olde to the one you may know better: "The One Who Picks A Game By It's Graphics, Is Stupid."
The aesthetic merely needs to complement the gameplay. A bad game is a bad game no matter how good it looks. For a game like the Elder Scrolls, portraying a realistic environment should be important, and "Ubersampling", whatever the hell that means, may add to that, but without good gameplay that immersion will end being hallow and painful to experience. It will look immersive, but it won't feel immersive. From what we have seen so far in screenshots and the trailer, the game looks fantastic at Xbox 360 settings. The PC will already have higher texture resolutions due to the monitor distance, and I'm sure we'll have some kind of Supersampling and a wide selection of graphic settings that will allow us to optimize the game to our hardware capabilities. If it works, it works. If it looks good, it looks good. Bethesda is really working towards optimizing old hardware to it's full potential, allowing a wide audience to enjoy a beautiful gaming experience, and I think this will help smooth out the transition to next generation hardware within the console gaming community, and it will give PC gamers more out of what they have. If they have time to add to the PC experience in terms of higher-end computers, then that's awesome, but I think they want to create an experience a PC and Console gamer can enjoy at Low, Medium, and High graphic settings even though they may look or feel a little different.
If Skyrim looked like Daggerfall, I would still play it, because I know it would be a great game even though some of the visual Immersion will be lacking. I'm sure the gameplay would be greatly improved, the world would be better constructed than daggerfall despite it's pixelated, or jagged appearance.