[Rel] Put it in its Place : Enhanced Grabbing

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:41 pm

No problem, man. Could it be that I just don't have the right items for the feature to work (I doubt it). I don't recall having any "normal" items, only enchanted weapons & armor. But all of them are vanilla items, no mods involved there.
Eureka ! You might have just hit the nail. Excerpt from the readMe : The item selector excludes items with scripts, those that are un-playable or flagged as quest objects and only includes the following item types : Apparatus, Armor, Book, Misc and Weapon
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Justin Bywater
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:18 pm

So, do enchanted items count as scripted items or..?
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tiffany Royal
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:48 pm

Have a question for you folks : I've been thinking about removing the options token permanently. No real reason for that, just feel that it doesn't serve much purpose. Should I go ahead and do it ?

But it still will work with COBL's options right? Or does it even now work with it - I kinda remembered that I was setting options via the COBL menu; may I add that I am ill and home from work so my brain is functioning even less than usual :ahhh:
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Naomi Lastname
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:14 pm

So, do enchanted items count as scripted items or..?
Nope. Only items that have a script attached to their record count. Try adding a vanilla weapon ( like an iron short sword ) and then invoking item dropper.

But it still will work with COBL's options right? Or does it even now work with it - I kinda remembered that I was setting options via the COBL menu; may I add that I am ill and home from work so my brain is functioning even less than usual :ahhh:
Um, with the token gone, there won't be a need for the Cobl Options container. I'm talking about getting rid of the in-game options menu token.
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Heather M
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:35 am

Nope. Only items that have a script attached to their record count. Try adding a vanilla weapon ( like an iron short sword ) and then invoking item dropper.

Tried it, no dice. It's hard to believe there's something wrong with your scripts because no one else seems to have the same problem. I just for the life of me can't understand what I could possibly be misinterpreting here. Oh well, not too big a deal.. :whistle:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:02 pm

This is really cool. It is the kind of thing that just adds so much to the game that it will become indispensable. Great Mod, great job!

D/L ed!
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Samantha Mitchell
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:01 pm

So this mod doesn't svck. I'm taking waay too much enjoyment out of picking things up, dropping them, then laughing when the shopkeep says, "That's just not funny." Best of all, I don't think I've had any bugs at all.
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Javaun Thompson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:59 pm

So this mod doesn't svck.
Do I take that you declared otherwise sometime ago ?
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Bad News Rogers
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:00 pm

I'm sorry if this has been addressed before. I've spent quite a bit of time reading through threads and comments to see if there's an easy explanation/fix for this ... but I haven't found it yet.

I was in First Edition. Perhaps I should preface this with the fact that I'm using Better Cities, Enhanced Quest RP, FCOM and Kragenirs Death Quest. So I hope that it's not something other than PiiiP causing a fuss, though I'd not be surprised if it was. I think I'm dangerously close to the load limit for mods. But in my defense ... Tamriel is damned pretty.

Where was I? Oh yes. So I'm in first edition talking to the curator about a quest and some 'new books' that have just arrived in the area ... and wondering what the first one "Sheep" is all about and fearing it's beastiality pron. I finish talking to the guy. Get some items for the quest and stroll around the back of the counter to see what books are back there.

Next thing I know a guard comes running in and I find I have a 5 gold bounty.

My first suspicion is that the quest items given to me from the other mod are being considered 'stolen' for some reason. Possibly because they're initially owned by the shopkeeper and then PiiiP's script 'looks' for them. Not finding them it calls the guards. Does that sound reasonable?

It occurs to me I should now check to see if the items are marked stolen in my inventory, though I'm not sure if quest items can be marked stolen. The other piece is I didn't see any 'trespasses' or 'stolen items' on my stat sheet. I'll double check that as well and see if I can find which mod the quest comes from. I suspect it's the Death Quest.

It takes around 20-30 seconds after talking to the shopkeeper before I get the bounty. The shopkeeper gives no verbal indicators like 'stop theif' or anything, though he does sound disgusted with me when I finish talking to him. I did try upping my standing with him using the persuade mini-game.

Let me know if someone has a suggestion or if there's more info I can give to you (like a debug script or something).

Also. I haven't had a vendor pick up an item and put it back yet. I haven't played with it that much yet but I couldn't get the 'cobbler' upstairs in the market district (it's a better cities shop addition, I think) to pick anything up that I dropped on the floor. Though he did say "every little bit helps" when I put something away.

That's all I got. Back into the game to see if I can track down what's gone wrong.
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:54 pm

Alright. Upon further inspection, the quest items are not a factor. It seems I can hang out in front of the counter all day long but I will start accruing 5g bounties when behind the counter. One other mod I have is TIE. I know that's supposed to make thieving more difficult and therefore more rewarding. I'll check on that as well.
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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:39 pm

So when do you reckon the next version will come out?
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Robert Garcia
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:21 pm

Also. I haven't had a vendor pick up an item and put it back yet. I haven't played with it that much yet but I couldn't get the 'cobbler' upstairs in the market district (it's a better cities shop addition, I think) to pick anything up that I dropped on the floor. Though he did say "every little bit helps" when I put something away.

That's all I got. Back into the game to see if I can track down what's gone wrong.
Alright. Upon further inspection, the quest items are not a factor. It seems I can hang out in front of the counter all day long but I will start accruing 5g bounties when behind the counter. One other mod I have is TIE. I know that's supposed to make thieving more difficult and therefore more rewarding. I'll check on that as well.
Doesn't sound like PiiiP at all. I failed to find grabbed, flinged or picked up in your detailed account of what happened. I suggest that you turn on debug mode in the INI ( set it to 4 ), grab ConScribe, reproduce the bug and post the log here ( in a codebox please ).

Likewise for the other issue -> Reproduce and post log.

So when do you reckon the next version will come out?
When its Done ?
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Rik Douglas
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:01 am

Doesn't sound like PiiiP at all.

I'm pretty sure it's TIE. Though I'm waiting for a solid confirmation in their thread. Sorry about the confusion. I was trying to think of all the mods that could be affecting me in a shop and completely forgot about TIE. I shouldn't have since most shops have Personal Guards in them.

I haven't really tried throwing things around. I didn't realize you had to get a little crazy to get their attention. I'll play with it a little more. If it still doesn't happen, I'll try coming back with a debug. Lvl 4. :)

I know you were looking for feedback much earlier about whether creatures should investigate noises. It came to mind that perhaps creatures with low intelligence should run away from the noise. :D You know, just in case you were still looking for input. ;)

This is definitely one of the most impressive AI adjustment mods out there. Very cool. I know I'm going to have to save and get thrown out of a few shops for fun.
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Emma louise Wendelk
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:27 am

Excellent mod idea, i look forward to trying this out.

One suggestion that would be great (but maybe outside the scope of this mod) would be to give the ability to grab npc and move npc's.

this is something that has been modded in fallout but never in oblivion. basicly you freeze the npc using a hot key and then you can move them along all axis including rotation.

Its one thing i find lacking when role playing with my companions. say we stop at a Inn for lunch. I would love to able to make them all sit down at the table with me. (using a pose mod i can
move them into a sitting postion but there is no way to my knowledge to get them to the chair. Lots of possibilities eg you and your companion could go fishing and now you can actually make them sit at
the wharf and throw in a line (when combined with a pose mod that adds the fishing rod etc)

Anyway as i said its probably outside the scope of this mod but i thought id mention it as there will be quite a few modders looking at this thread who may have the inclination to tweak the grab function for this purpose.
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michael danso
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:00 pm

I know you were looking for feedback much earlier about whether creatures should investigate noises. It came to mind that perhaps creatures with low intelligence should run away from the noise. :D You know, just in case you were still looking for input. ;)
Well, creatures with low intelligence don't react to noises at all. Those that do do run away, if they also happen to be timid.

One suggestion that would be great (but maybe outside the scope of this mod) would be to give the ability to grab npc and move npc's.

this is something that has been modded in fallout but never in oblivion. basicly you freeze the npc using a hot key and then you can move them along all axis including rotation.
Could I get a name or a link to it ?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:42 am

Hi, I?m at the moment making a german translation of your brilliant mod.

Would you give me the permission to upload it when it?s done?
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:46 am


The readme says to configure before the first run. Well Im not sure what i need to configure...
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Alexis Acevedo
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:11 pm

Very nice mod, makes you wonder why it wasn't like this in the first place!
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Latino HeaT
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:59 am

Hi, I?m at the moment making a german translation of your brilliant mod.

Would you give me the permission to upload it when it?s done?
Let's move this to the realm of PMs.


The readme says to configure before the first run. Well Im not sure what i need to configure...
Well, you'll only really need to that if you'd d/loaded the silent voices version. You'll need to set the appropriate variable ( should be found in the Misc. section IIRC ).
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:43 am

Been using this mod. It`s very nice to just pick something up and look at it without the npcs going berserk, yet knowing I can`t just walk off with it, like in real life.
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:59 pm

It would be cool if this mod had support for http://oblivionmodgods.de/physical-throwable-crates-n-chests-gold-edition-t282.html. For example, if I move a weapon rack and fling the sword on it, the shopkeeper will go put the sword back where it was exactly before, although it is floating in midair. Maybe when they put the object back, it can drop to the ground immediately using Havok, instead of floating in midair.

Another problem using this mod, and the throw-able objects mod together is that moving crates and chests that are not yours gives a bounty.

Also, sometimes when I throw something around, the owner will only comment on it, not go to pick it up.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:18 pm

You know, it's funny that you should say, "Ever heard of the grab key?" in the sub-header, because before this thread, even though I played the 360 versions for hundreds of hours before getting a PC copy, I had never even heard of the grab key. After reading this thread I decided to mess around with the vanilla grabbing... and it svcks. Downloading this now.
Thanks for making the mod I didn't even know that I wanted.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:14 am

It would be cool if this mod had support for http://oblivionmodgods.de/physical-throwable-crates-n-chests-gold-edition-t282.html. For example, if I move a weapon rack and fling the sword on it, the shopkeeper will go put the sword back where it was exactly before, although it is floating in midair. Maybe when they put the object back, it can drop to the ground immediately using Havok, instead of floating in midair.
That's a bug I haven't been able to work around so far.

Another problem using this mod, and the throw-able objects mod together is that moving crates and chests that are not yours gives a bounty.
PiiiP shouldn't be concerned with statics and containers regardless of whether they are grab-able. Please enable debug mode, reproduce the bug and post the console dump ( get conScribe ).

Also, sometimes when I throw something around, the owner will only comment on it, not go to pick it up.
ReadMe -> Known Issues -> Point #6. Will be fixed in the next update.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:24 pm

parsing ini valuesscribe mode : 3 | 24hr clock : 0 | incString :  | excString : Game Instance : 1 | Time : 09-15-2009 05-21-37 PM==================================================PiiiP : INI Initialized !All Natural - Tamriel InitializedPiiiP : Stolen Goods Misc stat reset ...PiiiP : Blacklisted Object = Not Pickable/Usable 

There's the console log. I simply went into a shop, and moved a barrel that was not owned by me. I received a bounty of 5 immediately. With debug mode on of course.
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emma sweeney
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:49 pm

There's the console log. I simply went into a shop, and moved a barrel that was not owned by me. I received a bounty of 5 immediately.
Nothing out of place. Apparently, some other mod's addding the bounty.
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