Doesn't sound like PiiiP at all.
I'm pretty sure it's TIE. Though I'm waiting for a solid confirmation in their thread. Sorry about the confusion. I was trying to think of all the mods that could be affecting me in a shop and completely forgot about TIE. I shouldn't have since most shops have Personal Guards in them.
I haven't really tried throwing things around. I didn't realize you had to get a little crazy to get their attention. I'll play with it a little more. If it still doesn't happen, I'll try coming back with a debug. Lvl 4.

I know you were looking for feedback much earlier about whether creatures should investigate noises. It came to mind that perhaps creatures with low intelligence should run away from the noise.

You know, just in case you were still looking for input.

This is definitely one of the most impressive AI adjustment mods out there. Very cool. I know I'm going to have to save and get thrown out of a few shops for fun.