[Rel] Put it in its Place : Enhanced Grabbing

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:30 am

Put it in its Place : Enhanced Grabbing
Grab without a Conscience !
version 0.4

Requires http://obse.silverlock.org/

Download Link : http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19847 | http://www.moddb.com/mods/put-it-in-its-place-enhanced-grabbing | http://www.invision.tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=74


One of the many oversights made by Bethesda was the irregular way the Havok physics engine and the crime system worked together. The Grab key, apparently, is under used due to the fact that grabbing an object, which belonged to an NPC, caused the crime system to add a bounty to the player, assuming that the player was "stealing" the object.

This mod changes that aspect of the game and adds a completely new substratum of mechanics which work in tandem, seamlessly blending into the original game. In short, PiiiP : Enhanced Grabbing gives you every reason ( and then some ) to use that underrated Grab key.

Short Feature List : -
  • Vanilla Grabbing Crime Evasion : Using the Grab key on NPC-owned objects no longer counts as a crime. Now you could place that stray apple in Ongar's House back on the table, or in a bowl, without bracing for a fight with that burly Bruma guard! [Video : http://youtube.com/watch?v=xaviCFa90YY]

  • Elevation Perks : Throwing things around will no longer go unnoticed – If you grab and throw something around, you'll probably lower your standing with any NPCs nearby, who had witnessed your antics. On the other hand, lending a hand will most definitely get you places. If you thought placing that stray book in its shelf was a thankless job, think again. [Video : http://youtube.com/watch?v=xv49LK3lytI | http://youtube.com/watch?v=8oujSeIeqhM]

  • Crime Handling : Gone are the days when touching a worthless clay pitcher would get you a bounty on your head ! No longer will you hear the cry of "Thief! You won't get away with this!" when you pick up a bow to have a good look at it. Committing a crime using the Grab key is more of an intellectual chore now. NPCs will reason and think before they blatantly accuse of crimes that you'd never committed. [Video : http://youtube.com/watch?v=h2ZLWLXNUZM | http://youtube.com/watch?v=FaxcC5Rnn6o]
For instance, you grab an expensive dagger and the NPC start's to watch you closely. You move around grabbing it, while staying in sight, he won't mind. Now you make a move by starting to sneak and trying to get out of sight. A few seconds later, you manage to get undetected and after making sure you are not seen, you pocket the silver dagger, chuckling to yourself all along (mumbling about the stupidity of the game characters). You've hardly closed your inventory, when the dagger's owner gets the willies and runs around looking for you, eventually arriving at the place you were last seen by him. You sit barely a foot away; almost sure that he won't find you. Then all of a sudden, he figures out that you are there and lets fly a cheesy remark – "This better be good ...". He looks around for the dagger, while you desperately hope that you'd get lucky. Unfortunately, your luck doesn't hold and he discovers that you'd stolen his precious merchandise. "Thief! You won't get away with this" (or something similar) is his 1st response to the outrage he just figured out, which is swiftly followed by a cry for help. A minute later, you're answering to a guard.

That's just one of the many (slight exaggeration) outcomes of such an event. The reaction of the owner is determined by the various factors where logic is the key element of the formula used and chance plays only a very little role.

  • Neatnik NPCs : NPCs, shop owners especially, like to keep their premises neat. You grab some mead ( grab, get it ! ) , you drain it and throw the bottle around – The barkeep mumbles curses, stops his work, picks up the bottle and puts it back in its place. In the same pattern, any NPC, whose article's been thrown around by the player, will retrieve and replace his possession. [Video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8gvcTLqzns]

  • Player Push Over : While it may be a well accepted fact that watching NPCs doing menial chores such as the above is an amusing sight, one needs to be careful as to not push the poor fellow into a corner. Repeated throwing of objects and the subsequent retrieval by the owner will end up aggravating the NPC, who will try to send the player out of the premises. Humiliation's guaranteed if the player refuses to comply. [Video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zl6rjqanOY | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1E9JaYFJ8v8 | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1hdZLBccLg]

  • Noise Maker : Objects can be grabbed and flinged to cause a noise. Any creatures or NPCs nearby will investigate the sound, creating new opportunities to get about with your business. You can thereby lure enemies into traps and ambushes, or just distract them so that you can sneak past them. [Video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0K4xkCRLYI | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1CySGsoQy8 | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hRfcbWtlfg]
For instance; you are cleaning out a dungeon, looking for a particular treasure chest. When you finally venture upon it, you find to your dismay, that it's being guarded by a huge and rather menacing bandit. He hasn't seen you yet – but he will – should you consider a direct approach. A sneak attack is out of the question as he stands on an elevated platform, which can only be reached by jumping. You evaluate your options - You've got a heavy set of Dwemer boots and the "Deadly Reflexes 5"mod. A conclusion is reached - You remove the boots from your inventory and throw it within hearing distance of the bandit. The huge oaf hears the noise and gets down investigating, while you wait patiently for the right moment to pass by. The bandit reaches the noise's point of origin and looks around for the source. Not yet, you say to yourself. After a few futile seconds of searching, the "victim" abandons his attempt to locate the perpetrator of the noise and focuses his attention on the shiny set of boots at his feet. Greedily, he reaches down to pick them up; thinking about his luck …when the moment arrives! You leap into action and trigger the DR 5 sneak attack, the dazzled NPC just looking up to see your sword coming down on his neck. A second later, his body goes limp. Five minutes after that, you happily prance out into the sun with your loot bag filled to the brim.

Comes bundled with the Item-Dropper™, which scans your inventory and drops the heaviest object for quick use.

For those using Hex_0ff's brilliant 'Unnecessary Violence', there is now a patch available that allows Noise Maker to be triggered by it's Throw Item feature. So you can enjoy better accuracy and math when it comes to the flinging !

  • Toggle-able Grab : The Grab key doesn't need to be held for the whole duration of grabbing anymore. Tapping the Grab key once will initiate grabbing and tapping it again, while grabbing, will release the grab control. And with it's Auto-Flinger™, the grabbed object gets flinged automatically when it gathers enough momentum ( mostly hype, but it works ).

  • Voice Acted NPC reactions : Now, how about that ! Well worth the download – you'll see … NPCs don't sit and stare at you when bring down their house around them. You'll aptly receive a sharp comment when there's need of one.


As of v0.4, the mod will feature an INI file as well as an in-game token. The INI file contains all the configurable options of the mod and houses a few options that must be configured before first-run ! The in-game menu token contains most of the toggle-able options and a couple of settings that may have need of change when in-game. Note that changes made using the menu token will be reset, by default, after each game session. To prevent that behavior, the reloading of the INI on game start must be disabled using the in-game menu. For those concerned with inventory clutter, an option exists in the INI file to remove/add the token.

When properly installed and activated, the mod will begin to work on loading a save game. This mod doesn't require a new game to work – It will work with existing games as well.

On first run, the mod will add a miscellaneous token PiiiP : Enhanced Grabbing to your inventory ( and will remove any tokens added by the previous versions ). If you have COBL activated in your game, the token will be moved to it's +[Options] container for standardized handling. This token can be used to access an in-game Options menu, when lets the user customize a few of the mod's setting, disable/enable the mod and enable debug messages respectively.

The debug mode consists of 4 levels, each displaying messages related to a core script. Successive levels do not overlap, meaning messages from the previous level will show as well. All debug messages are printed to the console. You'll need to toggle debug text (using the tdt command) to actively view the messages. Note that toggling debug text will create a noticeable performance impact.
  • Level 1 – Displays messages regarding Grab-Crime Evasion, Neatnik NPCs, initialization messages, global debug catches
  • Level 2 – Displays messages regarding the Elevation Perks system and the Item Tracker
  • Level 3 – Displays messages regarding the Crime Handling system
  • Level 4 – Displays messages regarding the Noise Maker system. Prints a large amount of messages
Debug messages can be filtered to show messages from specific levels. To enable filtering, click on the Debug Mode button while holding down the F key. A message will appear, showing the filter status. Once turned on, only messages from the current level will show.


This mod is and should be compatible with most mods with the following exceptions :
  • All Mods affecting the Grab Key
    • ANB's Toggle Grab – Functionality merged into PiiiP
    • NPCs are Suspicious – Functionality merged into PiiiP
Special note on Reneer's Guard Overhaul – PiiiP's Grab engine is compatible with RGO v1.92 and above. Problems such as auto-resetting bounties and irresponsive guards may be mitigated by setting RGO's compatibility settings to allow changes to the player's bounty. Note that such issues are usually caused by using any mod that modifies the player's crime gold, with RGO, as its crime gold system works differently than the vanilla crime system. RGO v1.93 fixes most of these problems.


Special thanks to :
  • Ian Patterson, Stephen Abel and Paul Connelly (The OBSE Team) – For keeping up the Oblivion Modding spirit and providing the modding community with TES4 Oblivion's Elixir of Immortality.
  • LHammonds – For his readme generator.
  • TheTalkieToaster & Haama – For their scripting advise
  • Kyoma – Who, in more than one occasion, became a Just-in-Time debugger, and for scripting advise.
  • XMarksTheSpot – For his help with the collision detection system
  • kuertee – For his brilliant NPCs are suspicious mod. Even more so for letting me incorporate that idea into PiiiP. Thanks mate!
  • QQuix – For his help with my disemboweling of Oblivion's coordinate system
  • 2Cold Scorpio-RGc1 - For introducing me to and helping with my FF Cinematic Mod installation, without which I would have surely spent more time on 0.4
  • artfact - For his idea of strength checks in PPO
The Entire Community around the TES Construction Set Wiki – For making such an exhaustive resource catering to ES Modding.
The Folks at the Construction Set Forums – For all their help, rum and fish.
The Rest of the Modding Community – For the inspiration I needed to start modding and all the wonderful mods which I use.
Bethesda – For providing a great game, with enough flaws to keep us busy.

Change Log

0.4 –
  • Updated and streamlined core scripts sporting modular code
  • Customization now simplified with an INI file
  • Optional Silent Voices version added
  • Enhancements / New features :
    • Player Push-Over : Repeated use of the feature will trigger a more interactive and an uncannily immersive response - The player being sent out of the premises.
    • Noise Maker : Throwing objects around to create a ruckus. With Item Dropper, which drops the heaviest item in the inventory. Patch for UV added.
    • Toggle-able Grab : The grab key doesn't need to be held down all the time - Tapping it once will hold the grab control and tapping it while grabbing will release the key.
    • Crime Handling : Replacing a whisked object with another one of the same type creates a small window of opportunity to get away with the crime.
    • Neatnik NPCs : Owners replace all objects that were throw regardless of when, as long as they witness the throw (detect the player)

  • Bug fixes :
    • Elevation perks script is no longer reset during a savegame load
    • Included disposition modification when owner ref. wasn't found and conditionalized code for greater chance of modification
    • NPCs with 50 responsibility are now valid targets for disposition modding
    • Grab functions no longer work on items being reset
    • Inactive NPCs no longer perpetually involved in trying to restore a flinged object
    • Owner NPCs no longer try to replace items outside of their parent cell
    • Owner NPCs remember to recover the item nicked by the player
    • The phenomenally in-frequent CTD has been eliminated
    • The Stolen Goods misc. stat is no longer incremented occasionally when grabbing an object
    • Evil NPCs are exempted from disposition mods
    • Possible fix for the bountiful bosom bug
    • Using a mouse button for the grab control no longer triggers vanilla crime handling (a keyboard key is still needed for toggle-able grab)
    • Tokens are removed when their life span expires
    • Options Token is no longer re-added when dropped/removed from the inventory
0.3 - Major Revision, Older versions are obsolete.
0.2 - Fixed 'Ownership mix-up when grabbing 2 items' problem - you should no longer have a item with it's owner as the PC, chance of an Easter egg occurring reduced drastically, players will no longer be plagued by my witless humour, player detection flaw fixed, New configuration menu with options to enable/disable mod. Debug ESP removed, now debug text can be toggled using the config. menu.
0.1a - A few bug fixes, a clean up and an Easter egg !
0.1 - Initial, working Build. ( Unreleased )

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Milad Hajipour
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:29 pm

Previous Thread - http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=950553

http://docs.google.com/View?id=dtpcggc_0f5ntkwdh :grad:

Features in the works
  • Slapping - Slap people around and insult them. Challenge them to duels. Ideas and mechanics derived from http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1021205.
  • Kleptomaniac - Alternative to pick pocketing. Point your crosshairs at an NPCs body part and grab the equipment at that location. Think about grabbing a guard's weapon when he wasn't looking and running all over the Colovian Highlands with him on your tail.
  • Mortician - Corpse disposal at the press of a button. Pick out a dark, cozy spot and bury that ugly looking corpse.
Featuring the animations of UKHoward and OdysseusB
  • Functional Physics - Telekinesis that's fully compatible with PiiiP's subsystems.

Got any ideas/suggestions ? Please post them in the thread - I'll see if I can work on them.
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Josh Trembly
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:36 am

Wow, I can't wait for future updates. :)

By the way, what kind of new animations are in the works?
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Sarah Evason
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:35 am

By the way, what kind of new animations are in the works?
Animations for :
  • Slapping
  • Grabbing
I already have prototype (usable) animations for both. Will post a video.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:31 pm

Animations for :
  • Slapping
  • Grabbing
I already have prototype (usable) animations for both. Will post a video.

Oh, duh. Heh, I didn't think about the slapping part. So, with the grabbing animation, does that mean it will show the player character and/or NPCs grabbing items? And if there are animations for the player character grabbing items, are they in third-person only?
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Sabrina Steige
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:11 pm

Think of grabbing a guard's weapon when he wasn't looking and running all over the Colovian Highlands with him on your tail.

The cops around here carry banana-yellow tasers. I've always wanted to do that with one. Finally, an outlet for my long-caged suicidal kleptomania!
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Elle H
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:02 pm

Oh, duh. Heh, I didn't think about the slapping part. So, with the grabbing animation, does that mean it will show the player character and/or NPCs grabbing items? And if there are animations for the player character grabbing items, are they in third-person only?
That's what I intend to do. The animators, bless them, have kindly agreed to create first person equivalents for both animations.

Just so you know, NPCs don't grab items.
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SWagg KId
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:51 am

Question can you take their pants or armor off. I think it would be very funny do have a gray fox character go around stealing NPCs armor right off their body.
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Claire Mclaughlin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:20 pm

That's what I intend to do. The animators, bless them, have kindly agreed to create first person equivalents for both animations.


Just so you know, NPCs don't grab items.

Ooh... That's my second screwup in this thread. :P I wasn't thinking of the actual grabbing technique anyway, I was thinking more of NPCs picking something up and moving it back to its place. That's what I was talking about when I mentioned about NPCs "grabbing".
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Czar Kahchi
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:46 am

First time I've heard of this mod. Great idea though. Downloading now.
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Naomi Ward
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:49 pm

I'm not sure why I haven't thought of this before, but have you considered adding the feature to easily carry body or corpse (e.g: to remove 'evidence', etc)? In vanilla Oblivion, no matter what's the strength of player's character, it is very difficult to even "lift" an NPC.

When carrying corpse, factor such as the player's character's strength will be taken into account therefore a character with low strength will have hard time attempting to "carry" the body while character with high strength can easily move corpse. Additionally, if a guard spot the player "carrying" a dead body/corpse of non-evil NPC, he will try to arrest you while a good non-guard NPC will scream or call for help.

After all, it's still related and called Enhanced Grabbing for a reason, right? :D
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carly mcdonough
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:56 pm

This one lets you do that without a spell.. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5011
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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:38 pm

Question can you take their pants or armor off. I think it would be very funny do have a gray fox character go around stealing NPCs armor right off their body.
I haven't gotten that far in implementation. However, I don't think I'll include it - Will look kinda ridiculous.

I'm not sure why I haven't thought of this before, but have you considered adding the feature to easily carry body or corpse (e.g: to remove 'evidence', etc)? In vanilla Oblivion, no matter what's the strength of player's character, it is very difficult to even "lift" an NPC.

When carrying corpse, factor such as the player's character's strength will be taken into account therefore a character with low strength will have hard time attempting to "carry" the body while character with high strength can easily move corpse. Additionally, if a guard spot the player "carrying" a dead body/corpse of non-evil NPC, he will try to arrest you while a good non-guard NPC will scream or call for help.

After all, it's still related and called Enhanced Grabbing for a reason, right? :D
Tejon actually gave me this idea sometime ago (something that had to do with corpses at least). For some reason, I dumped it on Reneer's plate ( think his corpse carry spell does just that ) :D Besides, I can't script around the rag-doll'ness of an object - That's tied in with the skeleton. The only thing I can do is selectively disable moving them.
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Jonathan Windmon
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:20 pm

Tejon actually gave me this idea sometime ago (something that had to do with corpses at least). For some reason, I dumped it on Reneer's plate ( think his corpse carry spell does just that ) :D Besides, I can't script around the rag-doll'ness of an object - That's tied in with the skeleton. The only thing I can do is selectively disable moving them.

I believe my suggestion was that if you were grabbing a corpse and stealthed + undetected, you could dispose of it. The absence of any response from guards (or anyone) catching you in the act, or for that matter discovering the corpse even in the middle of the street, raised the question of "why bother." The answer is "because other mods might make guards respond," and I thought of this as a reason to go ahead and implement it, rather than to put it off on those other mods. ;) I didn't think of it as high priority, though.

I don't use most of Reneer's mods (I have alternatives for the bits of RGO I want, and Corpse Mod was causing issues for me), but would still like to be able to dispose of a damn corpse without using the console.

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kirsty williams
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:49 am

I believe my suggestion was that if you were grabbing a corpse and stealthed + undetected, you could dispose of it. The absence of any response from guards (or anyone) catching you in the act, or for that matter discovering the corpse even in the middle of the street, raised the question of "why bother." The answer is "because other mods might make guards respond," and I thought of this as a reason to go ahead and implement it, rather than to put it off on those other mods. ;) I didn't think of it as high priority, though.

I don't use most of Reneer's mods (I have alternatives for the bits of RGO I want, and Corpse Mod was causing issues for me), but would still like to be able to dispose of a damn corpse without using the console.

Really easy: Look at what I did in RGO. Copy that / OBSEify it (to avoid the spell casting) and you're done. Simple enough, really. You might even be able to do it without having to resurrect the NPC.
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stacy hamilton
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:26 pm

I believe my suggestion was that if you were grabbing a corpse and stealthed + undetected, you could dispose of it. The absence of any response from guards (or anyone) catching you in the act, or for that matter discovering the corpse even in the middle of the street, raised the question of "why bother." The answer is "because other mods might make guards respond," and I thought of this as a reason to go ahead and implement it, rather than to put it off on those other mods. ;) I didn't think of it as high priority, though.

I don't use most of Reneer's mods (I have alternatives for the bits of RGO I want, and Corpse Mod was causing issues for me), but would still like to be able to dispose of a damn corpse without using the console.
Well, I was only reluctant as RGO already provided a similar feature :shrug: In any case, what the heck; It's on the scroll.


Hehe. http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?s=&showtopic=1031323&view=findpost&p=14998951 :ahhh:
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Emmanuel Morales
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:48 am

@shadeMe: Ok, here's a copy of a ConScribe log, although I doubt it's of any use. I had the Item Dropper problem.

Frostcrag Reborn: 'Enhanced Music Control' detected and activehook mode 1: using main GetTickCount callcrit_sec_mode 2MemoryHeap Optimization Mode 5: attempting to completely replace the Oblivion heap manager with my ThreadHeap2Heap Initialization (268435456, 0)critical section b32b80 overriden to spin 1500critical section b32b80 overriden to spin 1500Special crit. sec. 1 (@ 1888F370, thread 13D0) spin 2000 -> 2000Special crit. sec. 2 (@ 1888F4F0, thread 13D0) spin 1000 -> 1000Special crit. sec. 3 (@ 18282960, thread 13D0) spin 4000 -> 4000initialize2() running in thread 13d0Suppressing CRITICAL_SECTION Renderer+0x180 (3BA7B30)Suppressing CRITICAL_SECTION Renderer+0x80 (3BA7A30)Game Instance : 1 | Time : 09-02-2009 12-11-59 PM==================================================PiiiP : INI Initialized !GA:Updated values from ini file.Assigned string >> "Ingredient Pouch"Assigned string >> "Scroll Case"Assigned string >> "Potion Case"Alchemy Pouch initialized'Frostcrag Reborn: 'Enhanced Music Control' activeAll Natural InitializedSC|Main: shader has loadedtdtDebug Text -> OnPiiiP : Blacklisted Object = Not Pickable/Usable Armor: Type: Cuirass, Light / Weight: 15.00 / Sneak Penalty: 0Armor: Type: Greaves, Light / Weight: 4.00 / Sneak Penalty: 0Armor: Type: Boots, Light / Weight: 3.00 / Sneak Penalty: 0Armor: Type: Shield / Weight: 5.00 / Sneak Penalty: 1PiiiP : Blacklisted Object = Not Pickable/Usable PiiiP : Blacklisted Object = Not Pickable/Usable PiiiP : Blacklisted Object = Not Pickable/Usable PiiiP : Blacklisted Object = Not Pickable/Usable 

I tried holding block, and tapping the grab key. Nothing was printed to the console. The Blacklisted Object -lines came when I tapped the grab key alone, obviously you know that :). I checked the ini, an the item dropper is set to 1, even the in-game options menu had a '+' next to auto dropper. Weird..
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:20 pm

@shadeMe: Ok, here's a copy of a ConScribe log, although I doubt it's of any use. I had the Item Dropper problem.

I tried holding block, and tapping the grab key. Nothing was printed to the console. The Blacklisted Object -lines came when I tapped the grab key alone, obviously you know that :) . I checked the ini, an the item dropper is set to 1, even the in-game options menu had a '+' next to auto dropper. Weird..
Call this in the console and then try invoking item dropper : set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPItemDropper to 1 Also, try using the keyboard key mapped to the block action.

Have a question for you folks : I've been thinking about removing the options token permanently. No real reason for that, just feel that it doesn't serve much purpose. Should I go ahead and do it ?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:33 pm

Have a question for you folks : I've been thinking about removing the options token permanently. No real reason for that, just feel that it doesn't serve much purpose. Should I go ahead and do it ?

As I like having as little inventory intrusion as possible, I say remove it.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:57 pm

I've been thinking about removing the options token permanently.

You already know my opinion on inventory clutter. ;)
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Lewis Morel
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:09 pm

Call this in the console and then try invoking item dropper : set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPItemDropper to 1 Also, try using the keyboard key mapped to the block action.

Tried that, the console gave me a line which implied setting the ItemDropper on, but no dice, even with setting the block key to keyboard. Guess this handy feature isn't meant to work for me :shrug: But thanks for trying to help out!
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Lynette Wilson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:52 am

You already know my opinion on inventory clutter. ;)
I was actually considering attaching a tejon clause to that question -> if tejon { go away }

Tried that, the console gave me a line which implied setting the ItemDropper on, but no dice, even with setting the block key to keyboard. Guess this handy feature isn't meant to work for me :shrug: But thanks for trying to help out!
I'm sorry :( I have no idea what the issue is. I'll look into the code once again and see if I can find something.
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JR Cash
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:52 am

I was actually considering attaching a tejon clause to that question -> if tejon { go away }
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Andrew Lang
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:26 pm

if tejon { go away }

Yeah, but that function throws an exception every damn time.
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Katie Pollard
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:24 pm

I'm sorry :( I have no idea what the issue is. I'll look into the code once again and see if I can find something.

No problem, man. Could it be that I just don't have the right items for the feature to work (I doubt it). I don't recall having any "normal" items, only enchanted weapons & armor. But all of them are vanilla items, no mods involved there.
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