I'm having the same exact problem. Before this patch, based on this quest path, the monorail would always blow up. Now you can disarm it, but can't talk to Hsu.
This quest has been buggy from the start, and it looks destined to stay that way. Look up the quest in the wiki for a path that should guarantee it to work.
+1 this is exactly what is happening.
not quite sure, but did you talk to hsu AFTER you disarmed the bomb? or else the monorails doomed.
secondly, this belongs in the cheats, hints, and spoilers section.
i havent done this mission since the patch (not on purpose, havent gotten around to it yet), but you could always check the vault wiki
Sorry, wasn't sure what section to put it in.
But yes he told me to disarm the bomb I went and did that and went back to him and now the dialog option isn't there to finish the quest.
I will go check the wiki but I tried it with the patch and then went and deleated the patch and it is still happening. I need to make this happen so I can finish other missions.