Necessities 2009!
[This is thread #2. The first thread can be found This OP has not been updated to reflect the newest developments yet.]
From what started as some collaborative brainstorming in coming up with integrative updates for NoM, it looks like we've gathered some momentum for what may be NoM 3.0 (pending response and authorization from Wrye, so we might call it Putative NoM 3.0 -- PNoM!). Discussion has been taking place in this thread and, before,
A number of things are on the drawing board, among them some pretty big and fundamental changes, including: incorporating standardizing animal-part food ingredients from other major mods (or providing a Wrye Mash replacer file for converting their food refs into their NoM 3.0 counterparts); introducing more recipes; making the sleep scripts more reliable (or rewriting from scratch); changing the hunger tracking methodology away from the existing scheduled-meals methodology to a gradual point-based system akin to some other RPGs (roguelike games like ADOM, for example); allowing for on-demand eating and drinking; and other things. Priority will be on maintaining or broadening its appeal, retaining/respecting its effective status as an unofficial standard, and maintaining compatibility with other NoM-compatible mods. We're still in the discussion stage figuring out exactly what we want to do and how far we want to go, and so invite comment and proposals.
Wrye is the maintainer of NoM, and seems to be incommunicado for the time being, so, to be clear, we have not received his permission, and, unless he is absent for an extended time (in which we assume legacy permissions), our efforts here will be subjected to his approval. Whatever we get together, we will likely release under his aegis if that is his preference (for continuity and centrality of maintenance -- we do not want to make things more complicated than they already are).
The Drawing-Board:
(Newest additions or changes are rendered in yellow text.)
Major Upgrades, Fixes and Changes
- Point-Based Hunger/Thirst/Tiredness System: A major and fundamental change, NoM will no longer be based on on a system of scheduled mealtimes; instead, it will be moved to a point-based system for tracking hunger, thirst and exhaustion. Hunger, thirst and fatigue will accumulate a certain number of points per time interval (X points per 30 mins, for example). (This sort of system should be familiar, as mentioned above, to those who have played Roguelike games, Ultima Underworld or the like.)
- Hunger will involve 9 states: (Neutral state), Peckish, Hungry, Famished, Extremely Hungry, Starving, Dying of Starvation and two states of satiation: Satiated and Bloated. The first stage of hunger Peckish, will not carry any penalties (and will therefore effectively replace the mealtime warning in the original NoM).
- Thirst will have 6 states: (Neutral state), Thirsty, Parched, Dehydrated, Extremely Dehydrated, Dying of Thirst. As with hunger, the first stage, Thirsty, will not carry any penalties.
- Tiredness will have 5 o 6 states: (Neutral state), Weary, Tired, Sleepy, Sleep-Deprived and Walking Dead (or something like that -- need better name). As with the other two necessities, the first state, Weary, will not carry a penalty.
- Hunger will involve 9 states: (Neutral state), Peckish, Hungry, Famished, Extremely Hungry, Starving, Dying of Starvation and two states of satiation: Satiated and Bloated. The first stage of hunger Peckish, will not carry any penalties (and will therefore effectively replace the mealtime warning in the original NoM).
- On-Demand Eating: To accommodate the new system, NoM will adopt the system used in Morrowind Crafting by Toccatta and Drac to allow on-demand eating (i.e., eating whenever and whatever you want by dragging the food onto your character's inventory paper-doll). Under this methodology, prepared foods are treated, game-mechanic-wise, as Alchemy items (like potions), instead of Ingredients, that induce the un-implemented Remove Curse effect (renamed to "Food") for a length of time equal to how substantial the meal is. The mod's script detects the presence of this effect, and decreases the player's hunger (or increases satiation up to the point of Bloating) acccordingly.
This methodology has a number of advantages beyond the immersiveness of being able to manually choose and eat food. Most importantly, it obviates the need for specific recognition of edible items in NoM's scripts, thereby cutting down on a substantial portion of NoM's scripting framework. This makes the mod leaner, and allows unlimited compatibility for custom prepared foods; modders can now simply make a food item as a "potion," assign it the Remove Curse effect, and NoM will recognize it when consumed.
To be clear, raw foods, raw meats and traditional alchemical Ingredients are to remain as Ingredients, though it is open whether some custom NoM raw foods, like fruits, might be better treated in the same way as prepared foods. - Auto-Eating of Edible Ingredients as Last-Resort Measure: Strictly speaking, NoM will be a hybrid between the MC system and its original system, as it will retain automatic eating of alchemical ingredients, raw foods and some prepared foods as a last-resort measure only done at certain hunger thresholds (i.e. one must be hungrier to eat unappealing things). Thus, if you allow your character to get to advanced stages of hunger, you can still expect your character to check for and randomly consume edible ingredients and raw foods in inventory. The heftier scripting framework of the original NoM will be retained, but only used in these limited circumstances.
- On-Demand Drinking: Similarly, liquid consumption will be optionally on-demand. The player will be able to choose in the configuration process whether liquid is automatically consumed as before, or to manually drink in the inventory screen.
- Dynamic Sleeping Scripts: The character will no longer be tied to a certain sleep schedule. Fatigue will accumulate and be removed dynamically on a point-system basis. This will, by definition, eliminate the problem sometimes seen in the original NoM where sleep was not properly detected if done at certain times of the day. Want to be a nightbird? Be a nightbird.
- Master Data ESM for Integration and Foundation-Building: A substantial number of community-modded Ingredients and resources (such as those from TR, MC and other mods) will be combined into a master ESM, which can then serve as a basis for compatibility and standardized use. No longer will NoM-compatible mods need to have NoM object definitions and sripts included in their ESP for them to work properly; they will simply have a dependency on the master NoM ESM. This ESM will neither require nor enable NoM scripts, and will be intended for general use not limited to NoM.
- Easing Up of Cookbook Hunt: Many complain that it is unobvious and somewhat onerous to travel to a major city and buy a cookbook before a character can do basic cooking, such as frying meat. Now, such basic cooking tasks will require no cookbooks. We may will implement a cooking skill (see below on cooking skill as part of possible integration with some or all of MC). We also plan to add (and invite the addition of) a good number of new recipes.
- Improvement of Lore-Friendliness: There are currently some elements of NoM that clash with the atmosphere of the game or overwhelm it. NoM 3.0 will include attempts to gentle move it more in favor of lore-friendliness. This will include:
- Increasing the number and variety of recipes and dishes consistent with Morrowind's local culture and available foods (as it stands, imported ingredients can become somewhat preponderant).
- Changing some restaurants and food shops to be less inconsistent with their surroundings.
- Increasing the number and variety of recipes and dishes consistent with Morrowind's local culture and available foods (as it stands, imported ingredients can become somewhat preponderant).
- Possible Tightening of Functionality with Morrowind Crafting: Such things as introducing a cooking skill and incorporation of the two mods to some degree. As with the cookbooks, cooking skill would *not* be required to cook basic food items, and would not be nearly so rigorous in requirements as other crafting skills.
- Upgraded Drunkenness Scripts: Still under discussion, but there are some very interesting ideas for improvements.
- Other Minor Improvements
- Recognition of MCP's Gender Variable: Changing NoM to use the MCP's new gender variable instead of asking the player during NoM config.
- Incorporation of MPP Fixes: For example, incorporating the MPP's fix to floating bottle scripts. (The new scripts convert them into standard bottles upon being picked up, instead of permanently leaving them as scripted but otherwise-identical variant bottles.)
- Streamlining of Configuration: Either eliminating or placing in an "Advanced Configuration" section some config options and questions, along with the accompanying scripting framework. NoM 3.0 will render some config choices obsolete entirely, while others may or may not be eliminated according to community feeling on the matter. (Examples: (1) Preserving cooked foods versus preserving raw foods choice may become irrelevant, or will at least be changed to reflect a choice between delaying for on-demand consumption of food and old-style auto-consumption, with the eat-cooked-foods-first preference assumed. (2) The choice to eat Vvardenfell, Mournhold or Solstheim meat first is rendered unnecessary by the proliferation of other ingredient choices and by mods that add expansion ingredients to Vvardenfell barrels and vendors. Comment is particularly welcome on this, as we are wondering if there are players who find these config choices valuable still.
- Recognition of MCP's Gender Variable: Changing NoM to use the MCP's new gender variable instead of asking the player during NoM config.
Integration of Content from Selected Mods
Import and integrate Ingredient content from a number of mods, including inviting the addition of new content and possibilities, for the purpose of use in food recipes, meat-grilling, and raw consumption where appropriate.
Limiting Principles: Not all will be added to leveled lists or even to NoM vendors (to maintain scarcity, uniqueness or lore correctness), and some selectivity will be used for ingredients that are introduced into leveled lists and elsewhere, particularly where there are duplications between mods (with priority given to those featuring custom artwork). For those where NoM does not actually add the Ingredients actively to the game, its scripts will nevertheless recognize those items for players who use them.
- Incorporation of Ingredients and alcohol from Tamriel Rebuilt. (Permission granted.)
- Incorporation of selected Ingredients from Morrowind Advanced: dragon meat and mouse meat -- both currently use rat meat art. (Gary Noonan/Wormgod left the MW modding community, granting full permission to use and incorporate his work, with attribution.)
- Incorporation of selected Ingredients from Abot's Water Life, Where Are Birds Going and other mods. (Many or most already use NoM objects, but there are some new ones.) (Author categorically grants permission for such use in readmes.)
- Incorporation of selected of Ingredients from such mods as Cait Farm by Cait and other authors like LadyE, released as modding resources.
- Possible incorporation of selected Ingredients from The Wilderness Mod. (Author unavailable. Still pending investigation as to which Ingredients and associated resources may be original to the mod; most are from LadyE and Cait. As Real Wildlife, above, may attempt to include selected elements in the new NoM or in a variant plugin.)
- Patch or replacer for converting selected Ingredients from the following mods to TR's standard forms: PirateLord's Creatures, Nedius's Real Wildlife, and others as may be found worthwhile.
- Possible incorporation of some or all of Korana's liquor/drugs/vials. (Pending investigation of her permissions.)
- And others, such as gem mods, other alcohols, and areas where the mod may hep greater availability of standardized and usable quality modded content.[/color]
Possible answers: As noted above, many foods like mutton can be kept out of leveled lists, say, only purchasable from NoM vendors as imported food (a distinction made by NoM in its current form). Others can be excluded from all merchants and leveled lists where it is felt appropriate (i.e. where it is clearly inconsistent with lore). Where sensible, others can be put in appropriate leveled lists and made to appear in barrels everywhere.
Where two or more mods add duplicative Ingredients, patches or Wrye Mash replacers can be used to convert nonstandard variants into their standard equivalents (TR offers many standardized kinds of wildlife meat, for example; Real Wildlife, Creatures, The Wilderness Mod and MidgetAlien's Ingredients and Prices Redone all provide Alit Meat in some equivalent form). For others, consensus can be obtained as to which is preferred. Where one might not be universally desired or of narrower appeal, it may not be incorporated into refs or leveled lists (such that it will not appear in the game absent the mod from which it originates), but it could still be incorporated for recognition by eating and cooking scripts.
Overall, while we want to expand it to cover fairly-widely used mods, a large concern is maintaining or improving quality. While "variety is the spice of life," it is inappropriate to turn NoM into a kitchen sink full of mismatching items; all content it introduces itself (remember the distinction between introducing and merely recognizing content from other mods) must manifest a degree of quality and consistency akin to or better than that of the base game.
New Content and (Possibly) Art
New recipes and prepared food items, as well as possibly other new items. As mentioned in previous section, contributions of new content, or new/upgraded art for existing items (particularly ones that still recycle Bethesda art), are invited and very welcome.

Possibly incorporating new content from other mods.
Limiting Principles: There's a lot of wiggle-room here, but we want to stay lore-friendly. Books and recipes will be well-written and consistent with the overall tone in the game, and we do not want to verge into overly broad additions outside the scope of the mod's primary purpose.
Wish Lists, Pies in the Sky and Possibilities to Consider
These are highly open to comment and will be subject to community consensus, but have been suggested as possibilities.
- Using MWSE functionality for anything from a simple hunger meter to the use of it for more fundamental functions. MWSE is now widely used as a component of MGE, but we have to balance the gain in versatility or efficiency against the problem of making it unusable for non-MGE users.