Why don't you simply use a skeleton race for those? They can use anything a normal PC/NPC can.
When I was first thinking about this, I thought I would have to change the underlying skeleton structure - for instance take the skeleton arm and change it to a piece of armour - the idea of which I find quite daunting. I just thought it would look better than the skeleton race wearing custom armour. Using Melchior's method (which I've tried and which proved easier than I could have hoped) on the face of it seems to have the same effect as using the skeleton NPC race, so it would come down to aesthetics. Although there are probably other differences which I'm unaware of at present.
One con to using the creatures which I only thought of last night, is that if you take the armour they're carrying they'll still appear to be wearing it. But I've thought of a couple of possible ways round that which suits my mod but which wouldn't work if you met these creatures in the wild somewhere.
In either case, I'm going to have to learn how to make some armour for them