- I checked out the other thread, but that doesn't seem to offer a solution... I clicked on the Details button prior to loading the mod in the CS, but it only shows the creatures (and other things) that I added, not what I deleted. Am I doing something wrong?
Using the 'Details' list to fix this problem should work without a hitch; that was my standard method for cleaning uunwanted changes from mods, including fixing things when I unintentionally deleted content that was part of the original game (which is what you're trying to fix).
Edit: the Details list will show any changes, including deletions, made by your mod. If the deleted Cliff Racers aren't showing up, most likely you're not looking at the right mod. Try loading other mods and setting them Active, then looking at their Details lists to figure out which mod is the one that actually deletes the Cliff Racers.
Here's a more detailed step-by-step procedure for using the 'Details' list to clean a mod (part of one of my FAQ-type posts from many years ago):
It's always a good idea to make a backup copy of the .esp file before you try cleaning it, especially if you haven't done this before.
1. Go to the Data Files screen in the Construction Set. Select the required master files and the .esp file you want to clean. Make the .esp file active. Just like you're going to load the .esp for editing, but don't hit the 'OK' button yet.
2. Highlight the .esp file and click the 'Details' button. This gives you list of all the game data entries changed or added by your .esp file.
3. Select (highlight) the entries you want to remove, and hit the 'Delete' key for each one. Answer yes to the prompt each time. You'll now see an 'I' in the 'Ignored' field for each entry
What you're doing is marking game data your .esp file has changed and that you want to restore to the original condition. This won't remove any items that were part of the original game; it will just remove changes made by your .esp file.
3a. For example: if you've changed the data for container "barrel_02", scroll down the details list to the entry for 'CONT barrel_02', highlight it and hit delete.
That will mark the changed data for 'barrel_02' for deletion from your .esp file, so the game will go back to using the original data.
4. Once you've marked each entry you want to delete, close the Details window and hit the 'OK' button to load the .esp file.
5. _Immediately_ save the .esp file. This will rewrite the file, minus all the entries you marked for deletion.
6. To double-check: go back to the Data Files screen again and check the details listing for the .esp file. The entries you marked in step 3 should be gone.
7. Your .esp file should now be cleaned of the changes you removed.
The above cleaning process works for most types of entries in .esp files. It removes changed data and new data stored in the .esp file, so the game will go back to using the original data from the .esm files.
The Details list by itself won't clean individual changed or added references in a cell. You can either clean the entire cell (if there are no changes in the cell you want to keep), or use a couple of extra steps to save and restore the changes you want while cleaning everything else from the cell.