PVP worlds and how they effect our characters?

Post » Sat Mar 22, 2014 8:50 am

A game like ESO where it is not purely PVP or purely PVE always struggle with combining the two worlds together when it comes to balance. I find more times than not, they tend to change classes abilities and stats, what others call "nerfs" to "balance" for PVP. That is all fine and good but then these changes make PVE worse for your characters, tends to gimp them and make them less powerful than they otherwise would be under a pure PVE world.

I find the latest rounds of "nerfs" had everything to do with PVP than PVE when it came to actual numbers being tweaked by the devs on their class lines. I know everyone wants to feel "powerful" and unique as they play PVE, but I am unsure if you can have both in worlds that provide both play styles. Especially if the PVP for the game is end content geared.. Thoughts?

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