PYFFI Optimized - Increased performance without adding more

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:12 am

Note that, "Optimizing" doesn't same with "Reducing". While some files bigger after pyffi'd it's necessary and infact you still gain fps from bigger optimized meshes.

Yeah, that's what I thought as well. "More correct" was not the best expression, "most optimized" is maybe better. Anyhow, I don't think smaller size is of the utmost priority here.

About bigger files: Does that mean I can set "testsize" in ini settings to let's say 1.1 or that wouldn't work? And what testsize means could be explained in a readme, I didn't find any explanation anywhere.

I'd like to say that during pyffiing process my intel i7 CPU usage was only about 43-50%. It isn't possible to run 2 instances of Alpha4 since after starting the second one I get an =x050E error or something similar and the first instance definitely stops. Using only pyfii 2.0 (the one with the right clisk start option) I ran up to 14 instances to keep my CPU around 100% usage.

Since I started Alpha several times, the program continued from the last checked file, but I'd like to know if the file list, files skipped and output-log get overwritten (I guess so, cause I tried it also with Fallout3 and see no FO3 reports) or the reports is just added. THere should be a warning about that, so people could backup the previous output log.

P.S.: Ok, I also changed testsize to 1.1 for the "clutter" folder and all files copied to output folder.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:39 am

For the most part, you should just avoid creatures..

I know that, but which are not troublesome?
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Megan Stabler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:03 am

None. all of them are troublesome. except you know what are you doing.
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:37 pm

I know that, but which are not troublesome?
Let the modders' PyFFI or optimize their creatures, if they find it necessary. You should feel the bulk of the optimization's benefits simply with architecture, clutter and "bulky" meshes.

Edit: Is there some automated "evaluator"-type program somewhere that develops the header seen at the top of many OMOD scripts, detailing things such as which version of OBSE is required?
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Phillip Brunyee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:44 pm

My automator works for about 242 files then crashes with Error "Some hex number". I have no idea why this happens.

Is using the pyffi vanilla patches from tesnexus the same as optimizing them myself. What do the patches optimize?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:29 am

My automator works for about 242 files then crashes with Error "Some hex number". I have no idea why this happens.

Is using the pyffi vanilla patches from tesnexus the same as optimizing them myself. What do the patches optimize?
Hmmm...I do not really know. As long as you follow the guidelines in the "PyFFI" section of this thread and the website, you should be okay to just right-click on a folder and use the PyFFI option. As I mentioned earlier, the big things are architecture and clutter. Optimizing armor and weapons can help as well, but you have to watch out for EGMs, and they seem to be more "iffy" in general. The patches can only help with Vanilla (and some SI) files anyway, so there is no harm in getting used to the "manual" way sooner.
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Dark Mogul
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:53 am

Try this one first. Forget others.

1. architectures
2. clutters
3. dungeons
4. furniture
5. landscape.
6. plants
7. rocks
8. sky
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jeremey wisor
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:58 am

Can someone PYFFI and upload the meshes from the unofficial patches?

Can someone do the same for The Lost Spires, Heart Of The Dead, Francesco, and other popular mega-mods, especially those coming in BSA format, please?
this makes life so easier!
Thank you!

And a question: I still can't work with the automation tool, so if I do omod from the optimized meshes and activate them via OBMM, do they work as supposed? (I guess they are because my game is so much better now :D).
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:20 am

I think I already optimized Lost Spires. Fogot about the others.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:30 am

I think I already optimized Lost Spires. Fogot about the others.

hey thanks i actually just started downloading the unoffical patches i dont have the deadly reflex fix ill look for it and i was thanking about getting Wrye bash thanks for the help and ill get to the fixin asap

Any link to the optimized batch?
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Elizabeth Lysons
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:29 am

Can someone PYFFI and upload the meshes from the unofficial patches?

The stuff in the latest versions of the UOP, USIP, and UOMP have already been optimized. Using PyFFI on them would be redundant. Probably harmless, but a huge waste of time.

Can someone do the same for The Lost Spires, Heart Of The Dead, Francesco, and other popular mega-mods, especially those coming in BSA format, please?
this makes life so easier!

Already optimized my copy of the LS meshes as well as HoD, but the Frans pack needs more than PyFFI treatment. Many of the meshes have dangly bits of data that need to be pruned by hand. So that process has left me with little desire to keep going, even though some of the dangly bits of data may be part of the cause of some crashes associated with it. Older PyFFI versions made that stuff a lot easier to spot too, I very much dislike the way the new one outputs what it's doing, it's virtually unreadable.
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Amy Melissa
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:23 am

No. I just right clicking->optimize with pyffi. No batch.
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Wayne W
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:17 am

The stuff in the latest versions of the UOP, USIP, and UOMP have already been optimized. Using PyFFI on them would be redundant. Probably harmless, but a huge waste of time.

Already optimized my copy of the LS meshes as well as HoD, but the Frans pack needs more than PyFFI treatment. Many of the meshes have dangly bits of data that need to be pruned by hand. So that process has left me with little desire to keep going, even though some of the dangly bits of data may be part of the cause of some crashes associated with it. Older PyFFI versions made that stuff a lot easier to spot too, I very much dislike the way the new one outputs what it's doing, it's virtually unreadable.

Arthmoor, my friend, I would be eternally indebted if you would consider fixing Fran's meshes and uploading your work on the nexus... possible?
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Jessica Thomson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:22 pm

Already optimized my copy of the LS meshes as well as HoD

I'm confused of optimizing the Heart of the Dead Meshes.
Its files are unfamiliar to me (Don't know which one is safe to optimize)
I know that I'm not supposed to pyffi the characters folder, but how about the HOD files?
May I ask what files in the HOD folder did you pyffi, Arthmoor?
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Stephanie Nieves
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:57 am

Arthmoor, my friend, I would be eternally indebted if you would consider fixing Fran's meshes and uploading your work on the nexus... possible?

When I reach something approaching worth the effort to upload, I'll check with Dewshine or whoever is currently maintaining Frans. There's ALOT of material to go through.

I'm confused of optimizing the Heart of the Dead Meshes.
Its files are unfamiliar to me (Don't know which one is safe to optimize)
I know that I'm not supposed to pyffi the characters folder, but how about the HOD files?
May I ask what files in the HOD folder did you pyffi, Arthmoor?

Been awhile, and I need to do it again since the BSA was updated, so I'll remember to keep track of which folders I hit. Same general rules though, don't touch characters or hair, and be cautious when dealing with armors.
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Louise Dennis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:44 pm

When I reach something approaching worth the effort to upload, I'll check with Dewshine or whoever is currently maintaining Frans. There's ALOT of material to go through.

Been awhile, and I need to do it again since the BSA was updated, so I'll remember to keep track of which folders I hit. Same general rules though, don't touch characters or hair, and be cautious when dealing with armors.

Thanks, I'm doing the blackcaves right now
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Mark Churchman
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:32 am

Can someone please tell me the best method of going about Pyffing Vanilla textures on the GOTY Edition? Should I install just the first disc and then pyffi or Both Discs and then work on it?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:48 am

I want to repackage almost all bsa on my dat folder, to reduce 300-400 bug. Does it safe to repack all 6 oblivion vanilla bsas into one package(it would be greater if it can also repack SI bsas too)
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adam holden
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:23 pm

No, the filesize has to be below 2GB IIRC.
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Hannah Whitlock
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:11 pm

EDIT: Fixed, had wrong folder structure.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:21 am

I am currently using the patches to optimize my files, it seems to be going okay so far. I have a quick question though.

Judging by the front page only Vanilla Oblivion is covered by the PyFFI patches, is their none for the DLC's and expansion?
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Alexandra Ryan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:09 am

i still dont know the best route going about pyffing GOTY edition. Anyone able to help me out?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:33 am

I am currently using the patches to optimize my files, it seems to be going okay so far. I have a quick question though.

Judging by the front page only Vanilla Oblivion is covered by the PyFFI patches, is their none for the DLC's and expansion?
No, you will just have to PyFFI those manually, but that works just fine. Right-click on a folder you want to PyFFI and choose the PyFFI optimization command. (That's not the name, but you cannot miss it.)

@Blixa: You will also have to use the right-click on folder and optimize route. Look through this thread for the suggested folders. The big ones are architecture and clutter. Be careful when optimizing armors, if you choose to optimize them, and do not touch the characters folder or the water(fall) meshes.
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Jonathan Windmon
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:16 pm

Optimized Meshes Downloads:
... by Beyonder (here and TESNexus) ---mod permissions??
>>> These are fine for both QTP3 regular and redimized. (I am not sure about reduced.)

How can the same optimization work with 2 completely different texture packs? I mean, if the original Qarl's Texture Pack Meshes are optimized, how can they work for the redimized version that is different from the original?

So i guess Optimized Qarl's Texture Pack Meshes are not working with the redimized version or am i wrong?
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:19 am

How can the same optimization work with 2 completely different texture packs? I mean, if the original Qarl's Texture Pack Meshes are optimized, how can they work for the redimized version that is different from the original?

So i guess Optimized Qarl's Texture Pack Meshes are not working with the redimized version or am i wrong?
It's because Redimized is a texture reduction, but it uses the same type of textures. Qarl's textures required special meshes, and that does not change just because the resolution is reduced. The reason why I am unsure about the reduced (not Redimized) version is because I do not know whether or not it affects the meshes. I wrote exactly what I meant. If someone knows about the reduced version, I will amend my post though.
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