Yeah, that's what I thought as well. "More correct" was not the best expression, "most optimized" is maybe better. Anyhow, I don't think smaller size is of the utmost priority here.
About bigger files: Does that mean I can set "testsize" in ini settings to let's say 1.1 or that wouldn't work? And what testsize means could be explained in a readme, I didn't find any explanation anywhere.
I'd like to say that during pyffiing process my intel i7 CPU usage was only about 43-50%. It isn't possible to run 2 instances of Alpha4 since after starting the second one I get an =x050E error or something similar and the first instance definitely stops. Using only pyfii 2.0 (the one with the right clisk start option) I ran up to 14 instances to keep my CPU around 100% usage.
Since I started Alpha several times, the program continued from the last checked file, but I'd like to know if the file list, files skipped and output-log get overwritten (I guess so, cause I tried it also with Fallout3 and see no FO3 reports) or the reports is just added. THere should be a warning about that, so people could backup the previous output log.
P.S.: Ok, I also changed testsize to 1.1 for the "clutter" folder and all files copied to output folder.