A few more questions. I'm doing a reinstall soon, and I want to do it right! All these questions might have been asked before, but:
1. Should I download and install operation optimization? (the PYFFI version) I'm going to PYFFI my files anyway, and is there a bonus to installing this? What does it do to exactly to enhance your performence that PYFFIing your mods doesn't?
2. If I install QTP3 redimized and PYFFI the meshes (I saw the link to the already PYFFIed files, but would rather do it myself) is there still a reason to PYFFI the origional oblivion files? How much does Quarl's replace?
3. Can I reach all the results of the files http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19911 by myself with just the program? Or was more done to them that would up my performence.
4. Say's better cities are already PYFFIed, so if I use the better cites version with blood and mud and quarl is it already PYFFIed or should I PYFFI it myself?
5. If I think of more I will post them here.
6. Thought of another one! Is MMM 3.7 beta 3 already PYFFIed? The link on the site links to beta 1, should I PYFFI beta 3?
Thank's in advance! Will begin my reinstall soon.
I'm not an authority, but I can shed
some light on a few of these.
2 - QTP3 has 999 meshes; the Oblivion meshes patch has 6039 mesh patches in it (out of 20,182 in the .bsa). So I'd say it's worth it!
3 - The OOO v133 meshes on that page include armour. I've downloaded it and am using it, but I haven't tested enough to say whether it causes any problems or not. I'm taking it on faith at the moment that he/she knows what they're doing and has made a patch that I would not make because I would take the advice on this thread and not PyFFi armour! If I'm right, I get more files optimised than if I did it myself.
6 - I'm pretty sure the latest version is PyFFied too.
I've a question myself: I'm not sure what 'triggers' are; if I'm optimising files from other mods (as I am for COBL at the moment), how would I recognise a trigger mesh?
P.S. Thanks for this, Tom! Guess you're a tomboy, then?! :facepalm: